Ok I have really bad gout, take meds for it..ran out of meds and haven't been using them since got out of the hospital back on the 2nd of this month.
Warning if you have gout you will have a terrible attack without your meds..only for the fact that you are eating and intaking so much protein with the diet..
I actually had to be rushed to the ER the other morning cause the pain got worse after I got an injection to help it. Sucks..christmas is not fun this year

She is doing great! Hasn't gained any weight back. She also had Dr. Hutcher do hers...I am going to some time soon make a profile for her, and put up some before and after photos of her(she is computer illiterate) have her tell me all the details of course
I believe at her highest she was 290 and now shes 150...so a substational weightloss and success story.