post-band surgery, 24 hrs
Good Morning all,
I had my lap band procedure yesterday in Richmond, VA with Dr. Brengman.
I did well enough to go home about 6 hours post-op. The recovery room staff
was wonderful @ St. Mary's, but they were super super busy.
I had a pretty difficult night that I would like to share, I use a C-Pap for sleep apnea.
I used it last evening. Apparently I was filling my stomach pouch with excess oxygen and did I have TWO horrendous bouts of dry heave/retching, lasting 20 minutes.
I called my physician at 2 AM (sorry about that) and he told me to stop the machine.
I have very light sleep apnea, so I wasn't worried about not using the gadget.
So far in all my preliminary support group sessions, I never heard of this complication, so I thought I'd provide it for others.
Weighed 220 at the beginning, pre-surgery @ 213, goal 140-150 pounds. 5'2"
Glad to hear you are doing well! And I wish you the best of luck moving forward.
I too use a CPAP for is titrated at 9 so it's not overly horrible...thanks for the great advice. I will be sure to discuss that with my surgeon before I go in. Do you use the full-face mask or just the nasal mask?
I don't have a date yet because I am still going through insurance hoops, but hoping to have it in February or March. be sure to keep us posted on your progress!
Happy Holidays and take care of yourself!