Watch only if you dare!
Hey y'all-I don't hang out here too much but I wanted to share a spot I did for VCU/MCV.
Here's the link!¤t=2MMShow_6LapBand.flv
Hello Bob!!
The link you posted didn't work - but, impatient gal that I am, I went lookin' for you!
Found the post with a working link on the "other/fun" board and will post it here for others:
GREAT Interview - awesome job on the weight loss. One of the things I liked the most is where she says "Through medical surgey AND his own wll and determination to lose weight" .....AMEN!!! I love that they did NOT discount the hard work an effort we ALL have to be willing to put into this journey for it to be a successs. It's not the easy miracle slice and dice that's been implied in the past.
Thanks for sharing - will we see you in Richmond?

All I get is the intro. Boo hoo. Must be the little lap top.
I am jealous! I gave a long interview to the VCU College of Ed. in July re: WLS and the research project in which I am participating in the Exercise Physiology Dept. I was SUPPOSED to be sent the brochure/newsletter and so far nothing.
You are on tv and I don't even get a piece of paper!
Thanks for sharing. I will have to get on one of the bigger computers to watch the clip.
On my way to walk before it rains,