Is Everyone Ready for Christmas?!!!
Hey Guys! I have been so.... far behind on everything due to some very unwelcome health problems! However, thanks to my dear, sweet husband
the last gift was just wrapped! The cards went out Monday...... what a project! Now all I have to do is deliver a few more goodies to friends, and I can curl up on the sofa with that new Christmas romance book and drink some cocoa (Carb Control! LOL!) and relax!!! I am so....... HAPPY to be (nearly) done!!! Hope you are all close too!
Happy Holidays!!!

Sorry to hear about the health issues. My only issue lately has been a sprained ankle.
And yes, we're DONE except a few stocking stuffers needed for our family stockings. I'm going today to the Dollar store for some cutesy gifts that are cheap. All the cards (with photos enclosed) finally went out and almost all the gifts are wrapped. I spent yesterday afternoon, after work, cleaning. Tonight, I need to finish cleaning the "unseen" part of the house.
On a side note, I've gone back to taking my anti-depressants full time again due to severe anxiety attacks, partly due to Christmas stress and partly due the fact that my husband is due to deploy Jan 8th for 7 months over to Japan. He'll miss our daughter's 3rd birthday and she's feeling the anxiety too, but with lots of family and friends around, I'm hoping she'll deal with it better than she did the last time we went to sea. So this will be a busy Christmas!
Hugs and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!
405/379/230/180 (high/surgery/current/goal) 5'6"

Hi Tonya!
You're doing great - stocking stuffers always sneak up on ya at the last minute anyway! Even wrapping those last night (I wrap EVERYTHING!), I was wondering if I should get a few more, particularly for my sweetheart who always gets the shaft compared to the kids! LOL!
What AD do you take? Good for you, recognizing that you need them. That is not an easy thing to do. I am really sorry your husband will be so far away, for such a long time - I can't even imagine. If my husband is gone for a week on business, I have a hard time keeping everything together - he is my rock. You must be incredibly strong. We've also experienced the "missed" birthday thing - THAT is rough, especially when it's a child. You try and make up for it, but to them, it's just not the same.
Well, a good thing is all the weight you've lost - what a gift to yourself, and to your family!!! To me, that's the only Christmas gift I ever wanted - and now it's something to hold onto when things get difficult!
Merry Christmas!

Hey Jackie -
I live outside of Charlottesville - so "sorta" close. We go through Fredericksburg when going to D.C. I have actually thought about attending one of your support group meetings! Unfortunately, in January, I am having plastic surgery the 3rd week and will be down for a bit - but maybe March or so? If the meetings are at night it might be a little too far, especially considering my eyes like to play tricks on me when I'm driving at night, so I try to indulge them and stay close to home!
Hello Crystal, well it sounds like you are totally organized!! I just finished doing my last baking for the season!! What a mess my kitchen was but it's pretty much back in order now.
I think I'm all ready - it's just me and my husband so it's really not that much to do. My family is in San Diego so all those gifts have been wrapped and sent.
Oh, yeah, one last thing - the goody bags to the neighbors!! But that's it!! Done and done!!
Enjoy the holiday Crystal and have a very special Christmas,

Thanks Donna! We delivered a few goodies tonight to friends, and now have 4 more for the neighbors, and we're done!
As for the baking - I am SO lucky to have a husband who does all that...... he has his own bakery business on the side, so I let him take over, and I reap the benefits! His really is the ONLY sweets I eat - if I'm going to have something, it has to be worth my calories..... and call me biased, but his stuff is THE best! And he does the clean up!
You know, it's the shipping of boxes that always gets me.... seems like such a huge project and overwhelms me. I don't know what the problem is! Glad you got yours off to beautiful San Diego!
Hope you had a great day, and that your Christmas with your sweetheart is wonderful Donna!
Take care,