Results of my upper Gi
Hello all,
I had my upper Gi the other day and the DR. (radioligist) said that my pouch empties way to quickly. ?????????????
what this means i don't know!!
so today the nurse Anna from dr. schirmers office called to tell me that my pouch is too small and that my "lower pouch" ???? is too big.
what a lower pouch is i have no idea???
she said she doesn't even know what there talking about????
she then told me dr. s will get back to me..
well as of tonight still no call
has anyone out there heard of this before????
let me know.

G'morning Holly,
Strictly GUESSING here, but I wonder if they're talking about the OPENING (stoma) to the pouch being too tight/small/restricted going IN, but too widened on the exit as it's being released into the intestines?
The only downside that I see to it being too large on the way out is that the food does NOT stay in your pouch/stomach as long so the sensation of "feeling full" would not last as long for you. BUT, with the slow entrance, Im not sure if the fast exit is that big of an issue - they almost seem to cancel each other out as far as keeping you 'satisfied' ...full/hunger wise?
Sooooooooooooo - enough GUESSING on my part, let us know what your doctor says, I'd like to know his take on it.
Happy Holidays - Lei
I have never heard of that Holly so I would be interested to know what that means too.... maybe it means you can't get enough food into your pouch to satify you and it empties before you are full - so you could graze all day if you wanted??? Who know? Please keep us posted on this mystery.....