new to forum and to site
Just want to say hi and introduce myself.
I am a 30 year old single mother of one and have been big all my life. My first appointment is jan. 4th for conselltation. I am nervous about having the surgery but i know its nessasary.
The worst part is i just moved back to the area about 2 months ago so I have no support or friends here besides my mom. So I thought this site would be helpful and my mom has already had lap band surgery and she is doing great.
Well thats just part of my hectic life but I hope to meet you all and chat. Take care and until then.
Have a great day.
summer Jorden i found this site about 3 months ago and it has been so helpful and the people are great! I also like that the people are from my area. I had me first visit with my doctor dec 14th and it went good. They left it up to me whether i wanted lap band or RNY...i decided with RNY and I got a date! But the people here are very supportive and will answer any questions you have. Good luck!
Hey there Beautiful , I am so glad you posted ! I wanted to suggest that you attend some of the local support groups around there . St. Mary's has a good one . And there is a Support group in the Tri-City area as well .
If you are interested in them let me know .
Welcome again to the board and to the begining of your journey .
We are all here for you ... never forget that .
Hi Summer,
This is a great bunch, altho they don't post as much as the folks on the other board.
We DO get together and meet each other. There is supposed to be another Met and Greet in January and we are having our Conference in January. There are also the support groups in Richmond.
The love and support here are terrific. I have been overwhelmed at times.

Hi, Welcome to the forum! People here will be happy to help you every chance they can - so please feel free to post whenever you want to. You will get support and friendshere so you do not need to feel alone. We are all here to support you! You are making a life altering decision but congratulations - it is the best thing you will ever do for yourself....
That is so exciting. I am fairly new I lurk around sometimes. I have been waiting my insurance will not cover until Jan. 1. I also have my first consultation Jan. 4 with Dr. Kellum. Who is yours with? Dr. Kellum did my moms gastric in August she is doing great she has lost 101 lbs since 8/22/06. Good luck!!!