average weight loss?
You may want to check out the "month" boards. I think that's where most people share their weight loss news and you could get an average. I know the July board has been helpful for me to keep check with others.
I know for me personally my "pace" kept up until the 4th month and then it slowed a bit.
Christina S.

We all lose at very different rates. I sometimes THINK of myself as being average, until I hear of folks like you losing 25 pounds in the first month. I only lost 18 my first month, but then I had lost 34 BEFORE I had my surgery. Comparing weight loss is sometimes hard.
I CAN say my rate of loss has decreased as time passes. With 2 exceptions: the week Cody died I lost 9 pounds. The week of my hysterectomy I lost 8 pounds. I am fortunate to have had my stomach shrink back after my surgery. I am eating much less now BUT, I have not lost any more. Usually I lose in clumps and then go for a month or almost two before I lose again.
Some lucky folks just chug right along at a pound or two a day. My body seems to want breaks, or rather TAKE breaks from weight loss. I am very happy with my loss of 121 pounds, regardless of how weirdly it comes off. My surgiversary isn't for another month, so I am hoping for some more off before then. Only 16 pounds to my personal goal.
Now if OTHER folks would quit teling me not to lose any more!
Good luck!--Kathy may have some statistics for you on average loss. She is our statistics maven.

I lost 28 pounds my first month, then about 15 my second month and averaged 8-11 pounds for the next 8 months. After that it was a trickle, but I was still loosing. 8-10 pounds a month is considered a healthy weightloss. Not too much. The funny thing was, I'd go almost three weeks with no loss and then BAM! Loose ten pounds. It was crazy, but once I figured out my loosing pattern, I was not concerned with those three week intervals. We all loose in our own way. Metabolism and genetics have alot to do with it.
Hi Beth, I always liked to compare my weight loss with others too, just to see where I fit. But I knew, due to my age being a wee bit older than most, I would lose more slowly. And I did. But I was consistent and at 14 months I reached my goal of 150 having started at 289 (which was my pre surgery weight before I had to lose weight for surgery) and my surgery day I weighed 269 . So here is how my months looked:
24 lbs, 19, 11, 12, 6, 7, 7, 7, 4, 6, 3, 3, 5, 5
total from day of surgery 119 lbs -
I haven't lost anything this month and don't want to or expect to. I think I am where I should be. My doc had set a goal weight for me of 175-200. Nope, thank you very much, I didn't want to be there. I wanted 150. He is very pleased with my loss and said age had nothing to do with my success and I surpassed his expectations in spite of my age. Leilani once told me that we are in charge of our own destiny and to use the doctor's weight as a guideline but not set in stone.
So there you go Beth, probably more than you wanted to know. I also did a weight loss graph on OH that mapped out the average per month and found that to be helpful. I'm not sure where it is, but you can navigate around and find it.
You are doing fantastic!! You will be a huge success at this Beth, keep it up!! I am so happy for you.

Hi Beth, My weight loss has been much slower than I would have liked - but then almost everyone says that too!! I lost 19lbs my first couple of weeks and by 4 months I had lost about 60lbs - and from then I have tried hard to lose more - when I complain my husband says to me whenever have you lost 93lbs in 10 months before? - then I try to bring myself back to reality and think I could lose 100lbs by my first year - that is nothing to laugh at and my surgeon thinks I will only lose 110 - 120 max and I will look more than fine - not to mention I still need plastic surgery for some more..... so I may be slow and despair that I will ever get there - but I am not 256lbs any more and that has to be good. I try not to measure myself against other people because when you do you only get disappointed....