C'mon Y'all, Up and At 'Em!
A hiking I will go. What about you all? Our VA weather is SO terrific for December! !
. So get on outside with them youngin's, or loved ones or, like me, with your best canine! You Tidewater Folk should be even warmer than we in the Blue Ridge
What are YOU doing today?
What did you DO today?
Someone on the Main Board used to always ask, "Did you move to lose today?"

Good Morning Lois! Well I am not doing to well on the moving to lose right now because of feeling run down from my gall bladder stuff but it comes out on Tuesday and I will be back on track after the holidays. Busy weekend planned. Off today for soccer practice, hopefully the last little bit of Christmas shopping, up to the Shenadoah Valley to celebrate my dad's birthday. Tomorrow it is an early Christmas dinner with my mom, step dad and brothers and sisters. We do Christmas the Sunday before Christmas that way we can all be together and then we all have time of Christmas for our individual families, other parents, in-laws etc. It is something that works really well for our family. Enjoy your hiking in this wonderful weather.

today i'm cleaning house, but I have the windows open airing stuff out. Still a *****illy but not bad for December. I have to get things done before I fly out of here on Friday for Boston and NYC. At least I have all my Christmas Cards finally stamped and ready to go out on Monday and all my packages were sent yesterday. Next week is busy though. DMV, car inspection, packing up, dental appointment. Ugh, too much to do, not enough time!
Have a great hike!