everyone read please!!!
Hi everyone! i was on this forum about a month or two ago thinking that most of you guys had had the lap band. I found out that it was RNY and quickly moved to the lap band forum. RNY was always a big NO for me. Just the thought of rerouting all that stuff in there and it would be for the rest of my life...since im only 21. But since then, i went to the seminar for dr. moore out in suffolk and after that, i still had my mind set on the lap band. Since then, i went to my first dr. visit with him, who by the way is awesome...but he told me i was kinda in the middle and he would leave it up to me what i wanted. He said since im a sweet and fast food eater that with the lap band the weight would probably come back after a while. Then he said that with the lap band i would get back down to 190lbs.......which ive been 180 190 all my life and i got pregnant and gained 70lbs and its stuck there and now ive been at 250lbs for a while. He said the gastric bypass i would be looking at around 145lbs.......I WAS IN SHOCK!!!!! And he told me i cant get the band and in a couple years when the weight was back to get gastric bypass. So im pretty sure i want RNY. Im scared but i think it will be well worth it. I was wanting to know if any of you had followed all the rules exactly after surgery and still have gotten sick?? i have an 18 month old and im here all day alone with him and i dont want something to go wrong and now know what to do. For the most part have you guys done good?? and my big thing.....can i get pregnant again????? he asked me if i wanted more children and i do but not for like 4 more years. How long was it before you could return to yalls daily activities?? please write me back im so scared but im so sure that this is what i want...i want this weight gone forever! THANK YOU!
Hi Jorden. First of congrats on the decision for a healthy new you. We are here for support and feel free to ask questions any time. The choice between the lap band and RNY is a tough one. Do your research and get all the information that you can so that you make the best choice for you. I have followed the rules with my RNY and I haven't gotten sick. The only times I have had any problems is when I have eaten too fast, or sometimes a certain food disagrees with me a little. I am a little over a year out, down 140 lbs and have never thrown up. My only other issues has been that I got gall stones and have to have my gall bladder removed. Yes you can get pregnant again. A lot of times it is easier to get pregnant after losing the weight and as long as you follow the guideline of your surgeon, ob and nutritionist there shouldn't be any major problems. There is a pregnancy board also if you would like to go there and ask more questions, read about others experiences etc. I was back at work at both of my jobs 4 weeks after surgery. There were a few days in the beginning when I was really tired etc but nothing major.

Hi Jorden,
I don't post very often, but when I read your post, I felt that I could offer you some support. I had my surgery in June (RNY) and have not regretted it at all. I was torn between the two surgeries also, but after reading everything I could on this site and going to support meetings, I decided that RNY was the best choice for me. I haven't had any real issues with the surgery and was back to work after 2 1/2 weeks. Initially it was hard to cope with not being able to eat like I used to, but after awhile and after seeing the results, I got used to it and now I don't miss eating like I did. In fact, now I watch others eat and can't believe the amount of food some people can eat. It almost makes me sick to see how much people eat and to think that I used to do the same thing and not think anything of it.
I have thrown up a couple of times, but honestly, it was because I didn't pay attention to my body. I could tell when I started eating that I was eating too fast and that something wasn't agreeing with me, but ignored it and then I got sick. That has only happened twice. Other than that, everything has gone pretty smoothly for me. I feel so much better than I have in a very long time and would recommend this surgery to anyone who wants to take control of their life again. This really is just a tool as they say, but if you learn to work it correctly, you can have great success!!! I was very scared to go thru with the surgery, but as I said before, I know that it was the right thing for me. I am very glad I did it.
Good luck with your decision! I'm sure you will do what is best for you.

Hi Jorden,
I wonder why your surgeon said you can't have lapband and later covert to RNY because I know my surgeon says you can. However no point in going for two surgeries when one will do everything you want. 21 is young to go straight for RNY but I doubt you will have any regrets - but you need to also remember that you will have to give up sweet and fast food - or cook them differently than before or you will also gain weight after RNY too.... you need to be prepared to change your eating habits.
I had surgery almost 10 months ago and have lost 93lbs so far. I do not regret my decision for one second. I have never thrown up or dumped and on 2 or 3 occasions in the beginning I ate too fast or too dry and a couple of pieces of food got stuck and that was a very painful reminder that I had surgery - but a GOOD reminder that warned me to keep from doing that and to slow down and take my time when eating....
I have also known people who got pregnant after a safe time had passed and have happy healthy children and they are healthy too - So yes many people get pregnant very easily after RNY.
I was back at work 3 weeks after my surgery but to be honest I could have been back earlier but we also moved house right after surgery so I managed to use the time off wisely lol!!
Niow I work out most days, can run, walk for miles etc all things I could not easily before surgery..... this will be a wise decision once you are sure and have studied all the facts and become more knowledgeable on it...
Please feel free to ask anyone here any questions - we are all here to support you....
Hi, Jorden.
I don't know if you were at the support group last night, but I was. I'm also from Virginia Beach and Dr. Moore did my RNY surgery. I wouldn't have it any other way. It is probably (IMO) the most successful surgery for keeping the weight off. There is always the chance of gaining it back, but if you follow the plan, it would be hard to do that. Dr. Moore and the team are incredible. They set everything up for you and give you all the information you need. They are always available and they are good with after care. I'm 4 1/2 months out, lost 72 pounds, and I wouldn't change a thing.
As far as getting pregnant, they ask you wait at least 18 months because you need that long to get down to your goal weight and you need to be comfortable with your new regimen. Besides, why would you want to start gaining weight again right away after losing all of that? It can happen though.
I followed pretty much everything to a T, especially in the first 2 months. I'm thrown up once on Labor Day because I ate 3 different types of meat and I think one was too dry. That's it. Everyone is different though. I was back at work within 2 weeks of the surgery. I was a little tired at first, but when that weight starts dropping off this energy I haven't felt in years comes back, its all worth it. My comorbiditys have vanished. I'm happier. The WOW moments are incredible. My self-esteem is rising. I've raised my life expectancy.
You just need to weigh your options. Utilize all the resources you've been given and then make a commitment. This isn't temporary. These changes are permanent and you will have to take vitamins and supplements for the rest of your life. It is not the easy way out. Its hard work.
We're always around if you need us!
It's ok to be scared and have reservations. We all had them at one point or another. I like you gained 70 pounds with my child and couldn't loose it. I was 190 before I got pregnant. While waiting for surgery I gained up to 328. I was miserable. I'm now a normal weight at 153 and I'm having my second round of plastics in February which should make me drop to about 148. I also have a child and it was a concern for me, but I did my research, found a great surgeon that I trusted and went for it. I'd do again. My life is so much better. I was on the downward hill to being very sick I was a diabetic, high blood pressure, PCOS, GERD and bad knees and ankles. I couldn't walk up a flight of stairs without being totally out of breath. I couldn't play with my son because I was too tired and worn out from carrying all the weight around. In a nutshell, I was miserable. When I had surgery, Laband was very new in the US and I had looked into it but I didn't like the statistics I found. Now there are some successful lapbanders out there, but like any surgery y can gain your weight back if your not careful about your diet or grazing all day. I was a sweet eater. If it was sugar, it was in my mouth. RNY has made those sugar cravings dissappear. Really, I'd rather eat nuts and cheese than chocolate. I do occassional have some as a treat. But it's a treat, I'm not downing 3 to 4 Almond joy bars a day. RNY has that effect. Too much sugar and fat can make you sick. Believe me I've spent time writhing on the floor in pain from dumping on it. It's a good thing, not a bad thing.
Yes, your young. But consider this. If I was your age and could have had it, I would have in a heartbeat. Being young and proablly still fairly healthy, despite your size, will make surgery easier and less risky. There are risks involved. Things do happen. With the right surgeon (yours is a an excellent one) and compliance to the doctors oreders I think you will be very pleased with the RNY.
Many people have had babies afterward. some people become very fertile after surgery and have to use two types of birth control for at 1 to 2 years while theya re loosing their weight. The pill is generally not good afterward because of malabsorption issues, so keep that in mind. My angellette got pregnant at 3 months PO by accident, she has a healthy baby boy and has resumed loosing again. She was able to eat very well during pregnancy despite her small stomach. Remember, we do this to eat smaller portions (Like a skinny woman woul eat). At two years out, I can eat. Sometimes I can eat alot! So the pouch does stretch to a degree. You go from about 1/4 cup to 1 or 1 1/2 cups within a few years.
I love my RNY, it's been a blessing. Whatever you choose to do, I wish you well.
Jorden, yes you can get pregant after RNY you need to wait a full 28 months or more before you try. I have been throught seeing my daughter Kat has had the surgery and have another child afterwards and she did ok. She has a beautiful 20 month old and a 5 year old. You can look on the board and find her she goes by kittykat.
If we can be of any help please let us know.