B-12 Injections
I was able to get a script for my b12 . However , no instructions . I tried to call the doc back .. no answer . SO I went on line and got the instructions .
Does anyone here do the injections ...
And Yes Leilani .. I called you as I know you do them .. HELP if you read this .
I already did my first 2 ml injection . I guess this is enough , is what the doc wrote the script for .
Anyone ???
Thanks ,
Hey gorgeous - are you sure you called ME and not my HUSBAND? Our digits are exactly one number off and I just checked my cell phone and there is NO message from you. When did you call? You know I return YOUR calls, granted there are some I don't return, but you're NOT one of 'em.
Anyway - my digits end with "40" ...just in case? Now my phone does show TWO phone calls from yesterday, but they only showed up as caller ID (area code 253 and 405) neither are yours, right? No messages were left, just missed calls.
Okay - on to the B12 injections. Yep, I do them, and have been doing them since my surgery 4 years ago. LOVE IT!!!!! Hate having to remember to take a sublingual daily, and the shots are a once a month, twice a month or weekly thing, depednign on your body and it's ability to absorb.
I started off (first 2 years) just doing one shot, monthly. Dosage = 1000 mcg/ml -- filled up an entire 1 cc syringe and shot it in the muscle portion of my upper arm. This is a MUSCLE related injection, so make sure you find a good piece of meat (lol, no NOT Alan) to stick yourself. Either the upper arm, the thigh area, even your butt - if you wanna turn the needle over to your man?
Now, at 4 years out - I do the shot TWICE a month, every two weeks. Same scenario as above. Use the entire dosage (1000 mcg/ml) in one needle, one shot, twice a month.
Um, what exactly do you mean when you say you did your first 2 ml? Not sure why you broke it up like that. Also, what type of ROUTINE are you putting yourself on? You DO Realize this is NOT something you should be doing DAILY right? For you, just to get the levels up and running, I would start off as WEEKLY and then, hopefully eventually, bump it up to bi-monthly or monthly.
The WONDERFUL thing about B-12? We canNOT overdose on the stuff - your body takes in as much as it needs to be healthy and you pee the rest out. The only potention problem that could arise, is that you don't give it enough to BUILD it's stores (like the 2 ml you mentioned).
Love and hugs - ME

I called the Cell .. did not leave a message .. then I called the house phone .. I did leave a mess there .. any hoo ..
OK .. the doc said that 2 ml is = to 1000 mcg .. and that I am to do them 2 x a month . I did it in my arm ... and will do it in my butt next time . Alan did do it .. he was awesome .. .a true pro ...
And yes , I know not to do it daily ... I truly hopes this will give me the energy .. I need .. I am suckin ... when it comes to energy .. and that has a lot to do with the surgery ...
Thank you my hero .. once again ...
Miss you .. Love you ..
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh - the HOME phone? Do I still have one?
Sorry, I never remember to check the answering machine - that phone is rarely even paid attn too - everyone that needs to reach me, knows it's the CELL route or a hurry up and wait, on the HOME route. Well, unless my butt is sitting at the house and I hear it ring, and since Im normally NEVER home..... well, you get the message.
BUT - let me thank you for at least responding, went to check the answering machine, and yep, there you were, but not only YOU - Paul's dad has called TWICE now (since Sunday, per the recording) and is desperately trying to get ahold of the SUB address for Paul's boat so he can send a Christmas Package out. LMAO --- me and "dad" have had issues before, so how much you wanna bet he thinks Im deliberately ignoring him?
[sigh] ...guess I better get on the phone to him and "do the right thing"
Miss you too sweety, Wendy and I are working on our "photos" for David, this weekend, and we've earmarked SUNDAY as our deadline to send them and to register - so, that being said? We'll see you NEXT MONTH!!!!!
Glad I could be of help, even if I appear to be LATE as always.

Hey sweetheart, you are doing it right, when you do give yourself the shot make sure you use a alchol wipe to clean the area and do it in the upper part of the arm where the deltroid would be and hold the skin a little taught so that it goes into the muscle. If you were living closer to me I would say that you and I could meet and I would be glad to give you the shot. I learned how to do it on my dad so I have a little experence doing them.
If you have any questions please call 804-240-7667 and I will get with you.