Cloud over my Head!!
Sorry I havent been around much. I am working 2 jobs and so busy!! Have had so many problems, not health wise, personal and business. So, just when I thought it just could not get any worse. It can!!!
Well, our business quit offering health insurance last may. so, we finally get money enuf to get individual health insurance, well we fill out all the paper work. and they come back 2 weeks later and tell me that I cannot get health coverage due to my WLS. Well, let me restate that, I can get it for $1500.00 a MONTH. that would be just for me. that doesnt include the cost for my family, that would be another 500 a month. So, I cannot get health insurance for another 3 years. They said that 5 years after my surgery, I dont have to reveal it. I have called several other insurance companies and they are the same. Wow, this sucks!!!!!!! The only good thing at least my husband and kids have health insurance now. So, I guess i better pray nothing happens to me for the next 3 years!!!!
Well, thanks for listening just had to vent!!!
Love and hugs,

That sucks Kelli!! I am lucky to be on Bill's insurance with no questions asked, so as long as I stay on it I should be fine. But it is very unfair that these insurace companies get to pick and choose what they want to cover!! I hope there might be some kind of insurance out there that is willing to cover WLS patients - maybe that is a question I will pose to the Obesity Help Leaders board and see if there is any response. Surely someone there must know something....
On another note - I just applied for extra life insurance at my benefits renewal - I had to state that I had been diabetic but am no longer but did not state that I had WLS because it did not ask that. I am expecting them to come back for a full explanation and then to deny my the extra life insurance insurance coverage. That will suck too because then I will get asked on my next appication if I was ever refused life insurance coverage and why......
They need to make better laws for people like us because on average we are now saving them millions per year!!
I'm sorry, Kelli. I just applied for some additional life insurance to over my husband and son and because of my surgery and bipolar disorder, they denied me as well. Thankfully I work for a good company and I'm covered to a certain extent, but nothing extra. ******s. We did this to BETTER our lives. We have way less risks now. They just don't get it. I'm praying for you to stay very healthy over the next 3 years. Love ya,
Are you coming tomorrow night????