So offended...told I was doing this the "easy" way....
I know this is not the POPULAR response, so I'll keep it short and quick.
For ME, it was the EASY WAY OUT - doesnt mean I didn't hurt, didnt throw up, didn't cry, didn't feel weak, faint, etc, but it's the first "weight loss plan" that I was on that I actually KNEW would work.
When people say or imply that I took the easy way out, I pretty much tell them...
"Yep, I'm just smart like that."
It's no different then driving to work vs walking, building a house with your hands, or using a contracter, swimming to Hawaii or booking a flight - in this time an age, with all the new wonderful options available to us in ANY aspect of our lives, why would we choose the more difficult path?
When EASY = SMART ...sign me up.
Thanks for responding. I certainly can agree that this was the smart thing to do and thereby an easy decision to make for me. I guess I just got offended by her implication that my WLS journey was a bed of roses while she was stuck in the thorns. While I've been there in the journey of the non-surgical and know and appreciate the difficulties that it brings, the WLS journey I'm now experiencing is full of it's own challenges and difficulties...neither is "easy" in that respect...and that's what ruffled my feathers. I may be seeing results faster than her, but I still have the hard part of making changes to my lifestyle so that in 4-5 years I'm not back where I was before I had WLS.
Thanks for your input!
Christina S
LOL Love that answer. I just tell them "Yep, I did it the hard way a bunch of times already, I figured it was time to take the easy way." I am the one who has to live my life and don't really care if someone thinks it was easy or hard. I quit smoking the easy way too and no one gripes about that.
Hey, I know you!!!!
I didn't realize you lived in Virginia though - unfortunately TEK's site doesn't show location, so I just assume everyone lives on another planet from me.
How cool to find out we're neighbors. LOVE your way of thinking and expressing (via your posts to his site I don't think Ive ever seen them here on the VA Board). I'll have to Mapquest your town and see just how close we are, for all I know you're at the farthest of the state. [feel like you have a stalker?]
Are you going to make the JANUARY conference in Richmond? Would love to meet you in real space.

Geez, "easy way out?" I think most of us strugggle for YEARS, I know I have, and nothing is more foolish than continuing to do the same thing over and over and expecting different results! I think my 20 years of battling my disease makes me eligible for some success. How many times have I joked, "Why can't they make a pill to melt it all?" We are all looking for an easy way out and dag gone it, if there was one I'd have done it a long time ago! Most of the stupid comments come from people with an abundance of ignorance and fear. I think they are also jealous.
I have the type of job where I talk to ticked off people all day long. I have learned the fine art of letting it go when people get ignorant. It takes too much of my life energy to talk to people who think they have all the answers and are not interested in your experience because they are too interested in hearing themselves talk and validating themselves by propping up their sagging egos at your expense. Walk away, life's too short.