Kind of discouraged
I know it will happen but I seem to keep having little set backs. Called my surgeons office on Friday and she said that she had my echo and sleep study results and everything looked good to go. She said she would pull my chart out and see if I needed to do anything else. Well then Monday I didn't here from her and decided to wait till Wednesday and then decided to call then. When I called her she said that she had been able to look at my chart (and didn't call me to let me know...grrr). She said that the psyc eval had not come back....sheesh that was last month when I had it done. She also said in reading the not it looked like the I only have mild sleep apnea so do not need a cpap but the doctor wanted to see me anyway. How did she miss that on Friday...sigh. So I got on the phone and called the 2 places and neither will call me back and all I can do is leave messages. I had already figured I wouldn't have surgery until Early January but may be later then that now. Seems like I just keep getting the runaround. I have always had to call Missy she never has called me with any results even though she has said she will. Oh well it will happen just a matter of when and I still do not have a date. Very frustrating. How the heck am I supposted to schedule time off. Okay just needed to vent.
Ah anna
it will happen... one day you will call in or she will call.. but most likely you will call and she will start giving you dates to pick for your surgery.... and all of this will come together.. i know it must be frustrating.. with me they gave me a date then a list of tests i had to have done within 4 weeks of my surgery... so at least you have them all done. the one you had last month is only a fax to their office so thats taken care of.
one day very soon i will log on and come check this board and see you telling us when your surgery is : ))
Let us know... Beth
Thanks Beth, I know it will happen
I soooo appreciate your support. You are doing so well!! I actually did call the sleep center doc's office today and the scheduler said "oh hi Anna I was going to call you today." Yay....I have my final appointment (I hope) next Tuesday. She was able to get me in really quick. Thanks again Sweety I am so uplifted by your support. Guess I just needed a shoulder to cry on.