Gooooooooooooo ELF yer'self!
G'morning Virginia ~
I shared this with a few of my girlfriends yesterday and they got a laugh out of it, at MY expense. So, I figured ....why not share with the masses? It's not the first time I was the "butt" of someones jokes!
Anyway - this can be a slow load, depending on your connection speed - BUT, I think the laugh/smiles might be worth your time? If you find that NOT to be the case? Please refer back to my signature line in my posts on other forums.... "The deadline for complaints was yesterday, move along!"
Besides, where else will you find ME so willing to embarrass myself as I'm testin' out all the new hip-hop dance steps and spreading all my ba'hum-bug spirit??
So, without further ado and said with all the Christmas Cheer I could muster - Go ELF yer'self!
Dance lessons available - prices to be worked out based on demand.

Aaaw, NO FAIR should have to share the link with ALL of us! This way we can laugh at, er, with you too!!!!!
[oh, and trust me, I'm mailing it out to my entire family and extended family today, lol, woke up this morning, viewed my newest dance steps and STILL laughed - figure it's gotta be worth sharing, right?] it!!! Uh, woman? You seem to wiggle with a little more rhythm then me - don't be trying to cut into my action (dance studio fees).
Ive watched this video so many times over the last two days that Im really worried the next time Im out on a dance floor, that's the routine I'll be doing!
Thanks for sharing, loved yours.

Hahahahahaha! LOL. (Coffee spewing out of mouth) I needed a good laugh this morning. Woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Now, I'm grinning ear to ear.
Now, I have to be evil and put everyone I have a pic of, and make them an Elf!
I made one up with mom's pic and sent it to her. It's hysterical!

Okay this is so funny I had to play too lol! Hope this comes out!