Might be needed a place to stay in NOVA
Well, I'm seriously considering getting DR. Mark Richards in Bethesda to do a Minimal Incision Brachioplasty. I really do not want a scar going all the way down my arm and this doc invented this minimal incision method. My doc does not really want to do it on me. But Dr. Richards office got my pics and told me I'm a really good candidate because my skin is mostly in my armpit area. The thing is I need to stay close to Bethesda for about a week and would like to know if anyone might be willing to put me up for that time. I can take public transportatio or Taxi n to the doc's office and I'll probally take the train up, since I won't be able to really drive back home. I just need a recliner to sleep in. Being away from my kid that long is going to be tough. I'm looking at having it done in April. I have my Thigh/Butt lift in February and should be recovered by then.
So anyone willing to put up with me for a week. I'm am excellent houseguest!
Let me not get too excited, but I am 4 miles from Bethesda, just accross the bridge into MD....I am near Metro, and I work weird hours so I may be able to help you travel! How cool! I also have a recliner, hubby is gone, and I have 3 kids that would help out....let me know girl, you can come up one weekend to see how close everything is and if you would like to stay.....I want to meet you anyhow!!

Are there are no plastic surgeons in the Hampton Roads area that do short arm incisions? I was shocked that my plastic surgeon doesn't do them. I am getting bl/ba December 27th and I wanted to have the short scar brachioplasty along with that, but he said he didn't do those due to the appearance afterwards. The pictures I have seen on the internet of them look pretty good if you have just the loose skin up top, like what sounds like we both have. Anyhow..my doc recommended thermage on them but I decided against that.
I am also getting a thigh lift/ butt lift next month..January 18th to be exact. I know I will not quit be a year by then but oh well. My husband will be sent away soon in the navy and it is either now or never..so I elect NOW..lol
Take care..let me know what you find out !
Dana, My PS will do one but says that he doesn't like to and that the results are less than pleasing. I may just not have it done. I just don't want a scar there because I dance and it will be very visible and ugly.
Your surgeries are really close together. My PS wants me to wait at least 8-10 weeks between surgeries. You loose alot of blood with the Thigh lift and Buttock lift and if your iron count is in the low range, that's not good. I had minimal blood loss with the TT/BA/BL.
I also thought about thermage. It might work on me. My arms are really only saggy near the upper part, though pretty badly if I don't strategically place my arms on my sides.
The only doc that I know that might do the minimal incision is Dr. Billet or Dr. Guarda in Suffolk. They see alot of GB patients. It can't hurt to call and ask.
As for the doc, I am looking into. The jury is still out. I need to do some more research. But I'll let you know.