Where's the energy?
I keep reading about all the folks that just have bursts of energy after losing a few pounds and feel like taking on the world...Well, where's my energy. I am about 7 weeks out and have lost right at 50 pounds. I still have no energy and just want to sleep all the time. True, I work a full time job and have 3 boys at home (this will take a lot out of you). But I keep waiting for the turbo boost to kick it and it looks like it ain't comin'....
Are you sure you're taking your vitamins properly? I ask because I was combining my iron with my calcuim for the first bit and my Nut told me that the calcuim wasn't allowing all my iron to be absorbed properly...hence I was tired.
Just a thought....(by the way, I was told calcuim should be taken alone...apparently it blocks the absorbtion of lots of other vitamins).
Christina S

Char - I did not have all this bursting energy at the beginning either but I wasn't tired all the time either. I always take my iron with my vit c last thing and night and don't have any dairy within an hour of it - that way you get better absorbtion of your iron. Make sure you also take your B12 sublingually too - these both help with your energy level...
Hang in there, it will. I'm experiencing my first week of no energy and I'm over 4 months out. It was tough, but I'm getting through it. It definitely has to do with my supplements, because I've been missing a few here and there and it effects me greatly. Not sure if your case is the same, but I'd check into it. Hope it gets better!
I'll be honest with you, it took me about 6 months before I had that great energy surge. It wasn't until I was able to eat more that I felt less like a slug. I also found that upping my dosage of B vitamins helped. They are water soluable and whatever you don't use will just be expelled from the body. I also drink Green Tea with ginseng. If your really desperate for energy, try the Sugar-Free Red Bull! When I was up late at night studying for Anatomy class, it's what kept me alive (lol).
Honestly though. If you up your B-Vitamin intake, get more protein and stay hydrated you'll see your energy return. A lot of folks have low energy because the anesthesia is still in your body even at 7 weeks out. Time is sometimes all it takes.