New Before and After
I attribute my recovery to the mega doses of vitamins I've been taken and vigilant use of mederma and Vitamin E. I have a vitamin shop in my house, I swear it!
I'm taking so much, my pee is bright yellow. But I'm healing fast, so well worth it. Breakfast is a handful of vitamins and 2 cups of coffee!
I really shouldn't complain. Part of the problem is the extra SKIN hanging over the incision. Also, this is the third time the incision has been used, so I have plenty of scar tissue in this area already. Maybe, if it continues not to heal, I can get qualified for a tt
. I am taking my vitamins twice a day.
What is Mederma?

Merderma is for scars. You can buy it at most drug stores they keep in either in the Skin care section or with the first aid. It will soften and lighten scars. I just ran out though, so now I am using scarguard. It's a silicone you brush on and let dry. Doscs don't know why, but silicone has healing properties for scars.
Jackie, It's amazing what Plastics has done for my self-confidence. I feel much more feminine now. As my friend Jason told me the other day, "Jane, you have a "smokin" hot body!" . Boy, that does wonders for a girl's self-esteem. The scars don't even bother me either. Just do your research on Palstic Surgeons, there are some really good ones up there on NOVA area. Though if you wanted to come see my PS, I'd let you stay here and take care of you!
Oh if I could I would!! lol!! I won't be concerned with my scars either - you can disguise them if you want to. WOW! What a wonderful compliment from your friend Jason - so as well as looking gorgeous you walk on air too !!! You deserve to feel good - you have done so wonderfully well!! Can't wait to see you next month - hope you will be doing show and tells