Will It Ever End ..

(deactivated member)
on 11/30/06 5:51 pm - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
I went to my endocrine doctor yesterday at John Hopkins . He did all the necessary checks for someone with Cushings .. and then he ask me did they check my thyroid at NIH .. I told him no .. He goes on to check my thyroid and he finds what ... another tumor .. on the left side of my thyroid . He sends me down immediatly to ultrasound where they find it .. and size it .. Mind you they will not tell me anything about it .. except for yepper .. they can see it .. So once he gets the films back , he will call me to schedule a biopsy .. I am done .. stick a fork in my me .. I am so done .. I felt as if my world had crashed yet again .. Just keep praying that this one too is just a nasty nodule ... and will be removed with no problems .. Poor Alan .. the look on his face .. was not what I wanted to see yesterday at all . But he is still so very strong for me .. and yes I am so very lucky .. Thanks everyone .. Natalie
(deactivated member)
on 11/30/06 6:24 pm - Grass.Shack.by.da'Beach, VA
Hello sweet friend, As I told you on the phone yesterday, I've got you in my thoughts and PRAYERs, on going! Wish you could have been out with us last night - there were about 8 or 10 of us, chowing down on great sushi (which was secondary) but the laughs and conversation was OFF the charts. Can't remember the last time I laughed that long and that hard and I know for a fact it would have been JUST WHAT YOU NEEDED at that time. I drove home really wishing you could have been a part of it, it would have lifted your spirits, your heart and your SMILE. It really ****** me off that you practically LIVED in that hospital, 24/7, for three weeks and they MISSED this newest tumor. I just don't understand it, and I completely understand ALAN's concern and aggra over it as well. Granted, that's NOT the area they were concentrating on, initially, but how could they not run a few other basic tests (especially as easy and quick as this thyroid test was to do). Yes, I realize grumbling about it all doesnt help or change the outcome - just wanted you to know I understand where you and ALAN are coming from and you can vent to me ALL YOU NEED/WANT!! As hard as this is to swallow right now, the POSITIVE in this is that it has been caught and a biopsy is on tap. It's better to know and come up with a plan of attack then to find out too late. Keep chuggin' that protein, minimum of FOUR a day, till we get you healthy and well again. Love you sweety - hang in there (sheeez, these words sound so hollow, considering how LONG and HARD you have been trying to "hang in there"). Lei
Kathy & Rich
on 11/30/06 7:15 pm - Fairfax, VA
Hey, Nat... Replied to you elsewhere but will do it here too. Nodules on the thyroid are very, very common. I did have half my thyroid removed even though my nodule was benign. It was Dr. Moazzez' choice to remove that half while he was in there to remove my parathyroid tumor. He opted to take that half out given that the surgery for the parathyroid would leave scar tissue making it harder for surgery later if the thyroid needed to go. I had surgery this past March. Went in Friday. They kept me overnight to watch for neck swelling and falling calcium levels due to the parathyroid removal. Dr. M took great care of me. He was nagging the nurse at night to be sure to call him at home as soon as the lab results came back on my calcium. I got to go home the next day Saturday and I was back to work Monday feeling pretty good. Thyroids are funky things. I remember seeing something years ago that the number one prescribed drug was thyroid medication. Proves that our bodies have evolved in such a way that these things wear out or get nodules, etc. Stay strong! You'll get through this fine. Love ya, K
on 11/30/06 7:37 pm - Chesterfield, VA
Oh Natalie... I'm so sorry your journey has taken another turn in that direction. Just know that love and prayers are behind you, 100%. HUGS and Tammy
Pat F.
on 11/30/06 8:06 pm - Richmond, VA
Natalie, sorry you are having to go through this. I will keep you in my prayers and thoughts as you have been since the orther surgery. Keep that chin up and go with the flow. Tell Alan thank you for taking such good care of you and give him all the love you can. Things have a way of working out. As Kat and I can tell you things do work out. One week had the radiating idione theropy and the next a sever asmtha attack that took be back to the hospital for 4 hours to clear me and still taking treatments for the next 5 days. You know how and what presdione does to a diabete. I am on the strongest dosage I have every been on. So far so good starting to feel better. I love you and will be thinking about you always. MOM Pat
(deactivated member)
on 11/30/06 8:30 pm - Fredericksburg, VA
RNY on 02/22/06 with
How could NIH not check your thyoid??? It is a basic test I thought they would do for sure!!! I am so sorry to hear that piece of news but you can get through this - you have gotten through much worse recently! Kathy (findingKathy)is the expert on all things thyroid so I am sure she can advise you..... Sorry I wasn't around for you -I was with Connor when they were putting him under general anesthetic and pretty much with him all day until he went to bed late last night (9.30) as his sleep cycle was out of whack with the anesthetic.... Call me if you need anything or just want to vent or talk.... love Jackie
Amber B.
on 11/30/06 9:00 pm - Virginia Beach, VA
I'm praying for ya, Nat! Sorry to hear your news. Hopefully it will be like this last situation and you're get through it amazingly. Amber
on 11/30/06 9:05 pm - Orlando, FL
Natalie, I'm so sorry you are having to go through all this. You know from all the posts that so many of us are praying for you. CathyA
Kitty Kat
on 11/30/06 9:35 pm - Richmond, VA
WARNING: NAT & KAT HUMOR READERS BEWARE! Nat...now I thought bout how I wanted to reply and well this bout does it justice...and don't be drinking anything over there while reading this... If I stick a fork in ya I bet your azz will jump pretty high! Hmmmm I think that may just be what ya need huh? Besides to see that beautiful face and hear ya flip out then wanna chase me and hog tie me down would be funny as all get out! I mean what is it with us? We really have to do EVERYTHING the exciting so not fun way huh? LUCK??? Beautiful there is such thing as luck and we BOTH know it! What you have is God on your side and all of us. You need to get off that hump or um lemme think bout this...(hmmm Alan put a fork under her butt and uh get her to shake her tail feather!!!!) and think positive and give it to God. You have things to get done missy. I mean with all this down time you've had you are really slacking off woman! (No she DIDN'T just say that!) Ok so on one hand it's not the news you hoped for and you have yet another "fun" round of hurry up and wait. And on the other hand you have so many things to look forward to and so I say that you put both hands together, do some knee-mail, give it to God and let him worry over what is to come AND get on with your life and controlling the things that depend on you. Remember??? (See my post from this am ) Always- Kat
on 11/30/06 9:54 pm - Barboursville, VA
Natalie Im so so sorry to here this, but once again God will guide you threw this time and you will rock. Alan was sent to you as your guardian angel and he has been just that. Have faith and you will beat this one as well. We will miss you guys Sat. But you get well and know your in my thoughts and prayers. Hugggssssss....
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