From high to low...
Yesterday post my picture... I'm feeling good about things and myself... yadda yadda yadda
Then today rolls arouns and... my mammogram this morning didn't go so well.
The fact that they scheduled me for a biopsy TOMORROW during their lunch hour is good on one hand as it gets it over with soon but tells me they are highly concerned. Apparently there are two areas of interest which also isn't the best of news.
I just turned 46 so I'm young but with a sister that was diagnosed earlier this year at age 48 (who had mammograms every 6 months for the year and a half before that as they were "watching" something)... close age to perhaps when hers appeared. Happy, happy, joy, joy.
I'll know the results on Tuesday, I believe.
On the bright side, perhaps perky breasts are in my future. Whoda thunk that! LOL! Cannot have the reconstruction my sis had (she had both removed) since I don't have much extra fat in my abdomen. Bummer. LOL!
I'm doing well with this, honest.
Take care all,
Hey, Lois,
The only reason my sis found out she had cancer was because she said she wanted a biopsy. She was tired of "watching" whatever they were watching and going back for mammograms every 6 months. They were watching it for 18 months and were going to go another 6. Lucky she pushed.
I assume I'm getting more scrutiny with her history in my pocket.
I'd rather get my perky breasts from hitting lotto but... LOL.
I hope your incision improves soon!
Kathy, I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Even though it will not mean you get new perky breasts I am praying for it not to be cancer. I had to have a lump removed from my right breast at 34. The doc didn't want to take a chance. It was not cancerous but he said if left alone it could become so. Very glad I had a doc who knew what he was doing. Damn shame that your sisters doctors chose to "watch" it.
You have to be very proactive and demand what is best for you. New perky breasts would be great though huh
Keep us posted Kathy big prayers coming your way!