Lauren's lap band surgery when PERFECTLY yesterday. After waiting over 3 additional hours in Pre-OP (how hard was THAT?!) her surgery lasted all of 50 minutes. She was out of the OR by 3PM, in her room just after 5PM and made 2 laps of the 5th floor at 9PM. I could barely keep up (of course, she's got the long leg advantage!)
After her swallow test this morning, she's coming home. Then... let the pampering begin!!!
Ok, not in the bath tub, but you know what I mean!
Please visit Lauren's profile and give her words of encouragement. Many of you know that the next couple of weeks can be challenging.
Love to all,
PS Special thanks to Sandy, our St. Mary's lap-band pioneer for her visit to Lauren last night. It was very sweet and Lauren was touched.

YaHooo!!!! I am so happy for Lauren. I know she will be a complete success. I wanted to come up to the hospital and see you both but alas I had to be at both jobs and have two little ones with ear infections. Give me a call when you can and we can coordinate schedules and get together. We need to catch up and I would love to see Lauren again. Is she going with you in January?
Congrats on Laurens (your daughter) surgery, it is nice to see more bandsters out there, I have been very happy with mine and hope that Lauren does just as well and even better than me. What a way to start off the holiday season with a new beginning at healthy life. God Bless. And oh by the way, anyone out there reading this near Hopewell we would love to see you join us at our support group meetings at John Randolph, anyone interested please respond.