My mother is gone!
Hi friends
Alot of you know that my mom has been very ill over the past year. Yesterday morning my mom went to be with the Lord. And oh what a peaceful beautiful look on her face! I know she is at peace now with no pain...BUT I am not doing very well right now ..i wanted to let you know...thank you
Judy, I know these next days will be tough for you, but oh how special that you have been with your mom these last days. What a gift!! You know my mom is still alive, and is healthy at age 84, but she lives in San Diego and I always worry if I could get there fast enough if something happened. So you were lucky to have spent this time with her, Judy.

Judy, My heart goes out to you, Sweetie. I know the pain you are feeling and I wish there was something I could do to make that pain go away but there is nothing. Just know that you did everything that you could do for your Mom and she knew that and loved you for it. It is so hard to lose a loved on so close to a holiday but she is happier than she has ever been being with the Lord. I know that doesn't make you feel any better but she has no disabilities now and is free. Just know that God will help you through all of this and He will be with you. I love you and wish you and Phil well. Be strong, little Judy, and time will make things easier. I love you bunches,