Tumor Results Today .
Today I get my pathology report . I have to go to NIH to get it , but it will not be read to me. I get to pick it up and take to my endocrine doc tommorow . This is going to be hard for me to look at and not think the worse . But I know what words to look for . And I need to keep the faith that they got it all with the removal of my tumor .
I am now suffering with panic attacks . They are part of my disease and can be controlled . I have had them several times and are really scary .. I have gotten some great advice on how to deal with them and am trying so very hard to do now .
Just pray for great results , I know I am .. I have got a lot to do ..
Like plan a wedding .... !!!! shhhh
Love yall ..
Natalie, I will be praying for you. I've been thinking about you, and truly praying everything works out the way you want. I'm sure it will be hard waiting until tomorrow, but put it in God's hands - no better place for it to be anyway!!!
What advice were you given on managing the panic attacks?
Ok...let me start out with...hope everything is ok (which I'm sure will be the best it can be), and take care of yourself. Get your proteins in, get better...blah*blah*blah.
Ok.....Now....what's up with that last line there?
Ha! I closed out your post and had to go back to re-read that last line.
Are CONGRATS in order?????
263/145 (my goal)/144 (current)

Yes, Jill... it is un-official but he has asked me .. and I said yes . We are planning on doing it in a more formal way once all this medical stuff is over with . I just want to get on with the planning .. and enjoying all things that a bride should .
And Thanks so much for the kind words ... I am keeping hope that it will be just a fatty tumor and all done !
Ok, been following the whole tumor post...........you know I'm with you, even when it seems I'm not. I have amazing faith that you are gonna be JIS FINE~~!! Now, when's the wedding?? WOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and YEEEEEEEEE HAWWWWWWWWWWW, now there's some fun news for a change!!! Love ya girly, keep me updated!!! XOXOXOXOXOOXOXOXOX

Girl .. your spirit for life has been with my from day one .. ask Alan .. when I was getting ready to go into surgery .. my last words where .. and I swear to the anesthesiolgist .. SP . where .
Alan about busted a gut .. and he told me .. Miss Montana would be proud !!
I will be fine .. fine as frogs hair ..
Love ya gurlie .. and will keep ya posted on the wedding as I expect you to be there ..!!
Love ya.
Hi Nat,
#1 - Trust in God. He will take care of you. He will be there for you in this time of need as he has been in the past. I will continue to pray for you and that you get great news tommorow.
#2- CONGRATULATIONS on your engagment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#3- Refer to #1
#4- Refer to #3
#5-Refer to #4.. and so on and so on!!!
God Bless you!

Cathy ,
When this all started about a year ago ... I asked God to bring into my life a man .. someone with spirit .. and a love for God .. and he gave to me Alan .. and in this gift came NIH .. and the tumor study .. and now .. look how far he has brought me .. God .. he has been in the driver seat from day one with me .. and I thank him each day for all of my blessings .. you included .. everyone here .. all of my family from OH .. my relatives .. my children .. he has been so good to me .. and what a story to tell of his unselfish love for me .. to carry me this far ..
Trust in God .. you betcha ..
Thank you so much for your kind words !
And may you be blessed as well .