Jane M.
on 11/29/06 6:12 am - Williamsburg, VA
I so wish you had used either Dr. Galumbeck(Well known facial PS around here) or came to Newport News, to see my PS, Dr. "Z" at Plastic Surgery Center of Hampton Roads. They treat you like a princess at my Plastics office. Not only do they regularly call you for the first couple of days your home just to check on you (Dr. Z will call the first night himself), I also got a gorgeous bouquet fo flowers and a spa/goodie basket from my surgeon himself. They do excellent work and areprofessional and so caring. I would be so upset too and they you are being treated, I'm actually quite shocked. When I first saw your face I was so surprised, I'd never seen bruising that bad before. But to be honest $7500 is alot to you, but nothing to him. I know my Ps's office proablly nets around 8-10 mil a year (5 surgeons). I didn't go with the cheapest plastic surgeon for a reason, my ps charged a little more for the work but he's extremely talented and has an amazing bedside manner, not to mention he does revisions until we are satisfied with the result. If you want more work done in the future, consider coming to the peninsula. Jane
on 11/29/06 9:28 am - virginia beach, VA
maybe im stupid i guess, but he is a reputable doc, and seem likeable at my consult and before surgery, im just mad because of the way i was spoke to and booted out the door more or less, i may not go back at all for the check ups, i dont want to look him in the face. i know this has happened to many others in other offices, its just a shame.i cant tell the future so if id known i wouldnt of done it. how i wish i could go back 9 days ago, and just left my face alone, i know im not a beauty but i just wanted to feel good about my self. ill give this time and keep doing what im supposed to on my end. i dont even know what the heck id do if down the road in 5 months its still not good, i never discussed this with him. im not now either. im done with the plastics, i have 2 boys that love me no matter what i look like and a husband the same way. i just put my pics up to maybe let someone know you can look this bad after surgery, but maybe ill have a good ending and they can know that too. thanks alot for your info. ill keep updating my pics.
on 11/29/06 10:41 pm - Manassas, VA
Hi, I am a paralegal and work with lots of personal injury claims. I think what this doctor did to you is "actionable" and you might consider legal action. However, if you do not want to sue him, I would suggest you work with this Doctor. I would also go to ALL the follow up appointments so he can't say this was your fault for not going to all the follow up appointments. I would tell him nicely but firmly that you are very upset and want to discuss this situation with him. I would tell him unequivocally that you felt his bedside manner was dismissive and abrupt and considering how much pain and swelling you were in, you EXPECTED and had a right to expect his full attention. If he is too busy then it is likely he over booked his patients and is not only giving you substandard treatment, but other patients as well. It shouldn't matter how much money the procedure cost, you are entitled to the very best treatment regardless of whether it's an office visit with a $20.00 co-pay or major surgery. You are a consumer of medical services, and if he can't do his job, then you can vote with your feet. If he refuses to fix any problems at his expense, then I would be seeking legal representation. However, do not tell him that are considering legal action if you are, that just makes them treat you worse. Just try to work with him, make him explain to you exactly what has happened to you IN WRITING if you can, and go to all your appointments and do exactly what he has instructed you to do unless it makes the problem worse. Maybe if he knows how you really feel, and I would not sugar coat it, he will do the right thing. Give him a chance to redeem himself. Customer service today is a lost art. When I do my job, what is always in the back of my mind is the concept of "Good enough for me." If my work would not be "good enough for me" then it isn't good enough for anyone else. To bad people who provide services for others don't get that. I hope you feel better soon. Good Luck.
Sporty Jill
on 11/30/06 12:27 am - Norfolk, VA
Shelly- Where's your pictures? I don't see them? I STILL cannot belive this! And I need to go to your follow-up appointments. Heck...take hubby (haha). may want to take a friend with you, just in case you do need to seek legal attention or at least maybe then you will get HIS attention. Good luck! Jill
Jane M.
on 11/29/06 6:42 am - Williamsburg, VA
Sorry about all the typos. I'm typing one handed, I burned it wihile taking cookies out of the oven.
Sporty Jill
on 11/30/06 9:07 am - Norfolk, VA
Shelly- OMG! I just saw your pictures. Holy sh*t!!!!! You poor thing! You looked great before the surgery. Hopefully it will all work out. Jill
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