Surgery Scheduled and I'm so excited!
This is my first posting. What a wonderful site and great group of people you are. I have spent literally all my free time the last several weeks reading though all the posts in the Lap-Band section in Virginia.
The information and words of wisdom I've found here will undoubtedly prove very helpful to me in the coming weeks and months.
About myself: 39 year old, mother of two, once divorced and now remarried. I have struggled with my weight for almost the last 20 years with the last 3 years being the most difficult with yo-yo dieting/gaining. I have been contemplating Lap-Band for about a year and after much research, soul-searching etc, I've decided this is the best thing for me.
I just told most of my immediate family over Thanksgiving and it was well received. Of course the normal concerns from my parents, but overall they are supportive. My husband has also done an "about-face" on the subject. Six months ago, he didn't want to talk about or even consider it, but coming from person who has never struggled with weight and still wears the same size jeans since high school (he's 42) he just didn't get it. :-( After seeing me struggle the last several years and especially the emotional/physical and mental stress he has also decided that this is a good thing and he is behind me 100%! :-)
I am scheduled for banding on December 15 at Reston Hospital Center. Dr. Robert Pinnar is my surgeon. He and his entire staff have been absolutely wonderful to work with through all the testing, evaluations, seminars, counseling etc. My insurance company on the other hand, sucks! I am self employed and pay outrageous rates for family coverage with Anthem PPO BCBS. They don't cover any type of WLS, not even in morbidity cases. So I am doing this out of pocket. It certainly doesn't total more than what I've tried in the past...Nutrisystem, Diet Center, Jenny, WW, phen-fen, shots, hypnosis and any other infomercial on in the wee-hours of the morning...been there done that. I rationalize the expense as and investment in my future. I've paid 2 or 3 times this for a vehicle and they only last a few years...this is the rest of my life.
Sorry for the long post. I am bursting with energy and enthusiasm. :haha: Please feel free to respond with anything you think will be helpful for my next few weeks. I am especially interested in pain levels immediately following, regrets, words of encouragement etc.
Congratulations on making this decision! Your life will change and you will adjust! I know for me it's been a wild ride (all documented in my profile!) but worth every second. Best wishes to you as you begin this journey to health.
I had open RYN, so I can't speak to what a lap-band will feel like pain wise. I know for me the worst of the pain was immediately upon waking up from surgery before they give you the "good stuff". After that...mild/tolerable pain for a few weeks.
I'm in Reston so if you need anything, just let me know!
Christina S (the best name and last name initial!

Thanks so much for your kind words and encouragement. I am still trying to figure out this site and didn't know until today that so many people responded! This is going to be a great support tool for me. I just may have to get in touch with you since you are "local" after my surgery for other tips and advice!
Christina - you sound so happy! Congratulations on your upcoming surgery! You have certainly done your research! I have a friend who is about to self-pay for the lap band procedure as well - I wish more insurance companies would cover this surgery.
I had RNY, so I can't speak to the Lap-Band specifically, but I can tell you that I have never been so peaceful and content. It has been a miraculous journey for me - and I am SO grateful I chose to do the surgery. After roughly 34 yrs. of being overweight and all the pain that goes with it (from childhood through dating, health problems, etc.), I feel like I am living life FULLY for the first time!!
There are always little things that go along with the surgery that you learn to live with, and some of them go away in time - but even then, it's so worth it!!!
Glad to have you here on the board!
Thanks for responding and for the words of encouragement. This week when I was feeling nervous and wondering if I was making the right decision, I logged on to my computer and started reading more stories on this site. All the fears and worries disappeared within minutes when I see how each of you support eachother!
I'll get some photos and my profile updated soon, so hopefully I can be an inspiration for someone in the future as well. You all have so much to be proud of!
That is so great you have a date. I just recently got my date. I am Dec 19th. I am having lap RNY. I have started doing some protien shakes and taking vitamins. That will help with recovery. It is good to have a great support system. I wish you all the best. We will both soon be losers.

Thanks for the support and kind words. I will be thinking of you on the 19th and will check back in to see your progress. We'll have to keep each other updated and motivated since our dates are so close.
You will do great, I just know it. I think this is going to be a great support tool for us both, everyone is so kind and supportive, not mean and judgemental like so many out there.
Best wishes!
I love your energy and your enthusiam for regaining your life .. so positive . Just remember that yes this is your future and from now on it has to be about you .. and all that you do to keep up the great work I know you will do .
Whether you have RNY .. Lap .. or Banding or what ever .. it is to be commended for you taking a stand against obesity and wanting to live a healthier life .
We all here I am sure tried all the diets .. or we would not be here .. and it is discouraging when they do not work .. but this does work . I am living proof and so are many here on this board .
Please keep us posted on your progress .. and know that you will be in my prayers and thoughts .. just keep it real .. stay positive and remember that each day is one step closer .. to your success !
Hugs and much love ..
Woooooohooooooo - congratulations to you!!!!!!
Oh, and nothing to be sorry about (as far as the long post) ...your excitement and happiness is contagious! Besides, by sharing in your excitement, I can also RELIVE mine - I'll never forget the day that I got the call [4+] years ago that Id been approved and had a surgery date. LOL, broke down and cried like a baby, I did. I KNEW it was going to be the miracle I needed to GET MY LIFE BACK!!!!
The best thing? It was completely and absolutely true. I really do LIVE my life now, every second, every minute, every day - it's so much better then I could have ever hoped for (and trust me, I hope BIG!).
I wish for you all the happiness, health, optimism and ZEST for life that Ive found.
Congrats on your decision to take back your life.

I just love reading everyone's kind and encouraging responses. I was checking the site after I sent the post, but didn't see anything, now I look today and see all the responses. This is going to be a great support tool for me in the coming weeks and months.
Now if I can just figure out how to get my profile created and get some pictures posted. Guess I will have something to do in the first days of recovery!
BTW...I went to school in NY with a girl named Leilani...unusual and beautiful name!