I am very excited to announce that one of our very own OH friends will be setting up shop with a fun and exciting new "photo booth" at the upcoming "New York, New York" Winter Conference & Disco Ball!!
Kym Burns from Manassas, Virginia has set us up with a VERY COOL way you can capture the magical moments of meeting friends both old & new - romantic "all dressed up" couple shots or silly "alien" pics - whatever you choose! You can choose a "normal" background - OR -
stand in front of a blue screen and be photgraphed with aliens or disco balls - there will be many fun poses to choose from.
The company will be offering these 4 x 6 photos for only $5.00 each - and they are ready within about 5 minutes!!
Thanks to Kym for her generous contribution towards adding yet another fun element to our amazing conference weekend!!
Have YOU registered yet?
Your friends from all over the country will be here in Richmond January 19-21, 2007 - Don't miss your opportunity to star in our all new "Before & After" Video presentation and visit with wls friends both old and new.
E-mail me at [email protected] for registration links and information.

Sounds like FUN, David!!!!! ...at a very reasonable price too!
Just finished doing a cruise in October and I guaran(damn)tee you the photos were NOT going for that amount. The mark up some businesses charge is amazing - lol, well, actually, I guess what's amazing is that people like myself PAY those kinds of prices. I walked off the boat with FOUR "group shots" and I wasn't even the big buyer amongst us.
Can't for the life of me come up with a good 70's get up - which makes no sense, I lived it.
...subliminal denial of sorts?
Hey? LINK the information for registration in this post, mister. Or at the very least, add it to your "www" option through your OH profile. There is NO way Im going to believe that OH has a problem with that or will yank your post, there are many out there that do just that.
Anyway, I can't get the thing to load on my side of the screen, I want to register ONLINE!