on 11/27/06 9:55 am - virginia beach, VA
i hope i dont scare anyone to death,lol, im very sore still and badly bruised still and i cant sleep at night on either side, the last three are the newest, im pretty mad my doc wont give me anymore vicodin es. so here i sit.he said i dont need them
on 11/27/06 11:26 am - Rockbridge Co., VA
Sorry to hear you are suffering, Shelly. It will pass, but I know that is no comfort now. I do think folks need to know what to expect. I had always her that a face lift is quite painful. Now to see your new photos. Hugs, Lois
on 11/27/06 11:35 am - virginia beach, VA
The black eye is breaking up, but the chin and upper lip area are so bruised it looks like I have a mustache and gotie, I say I look like a pirate, lol, my 10 year old made me wear my big hooded sweat jacket so the bus driver wouldnt see me!! Ive watched the swan and extreme makeover alot but I dont ever recall seeing any one this bruised up, the doc said I was a bruiser, which now that I think about it I do get bruised very easy, wonder what that means?? Your right its gonna pass, but I swear I wont be cut again, thanks for lookin
on 11/27/06 11:38 am - Rockbridge Co., VA
How long did the doc say it would be before the bruises clear? Lois
on 11/27/06 11:54 am - virginia beach, VA
I went and had the rest of my stitches taken out today, he said another 2 weeks likely, but I have a couple of hard spots on my cheeks and im putting warm compresses on them, I hope it goes away.
on 11/27/06 1:22 pm - Altavista, VA
Shelly, Sorry to here you are in pain. I hope you will feel better soon. I'm sure the outcome will be worth it. Take care, Pam
(deactivated member)
on 11/27/06 8:08 pm - Grass.Shack.by.da'Beach, VA
Hello Shelly, Are you taking any of the herbs I suggested to you in THIS post? http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/VA/postdetail/64738.html?vc=0 SORRY, but that type of swelling and bruising you experienced is NOT the norm and it's NOT to be "expected" just because you had a neck lift. Ive shared my pictures of my neck lift with you (and others) ....both the day of surgery, a few days later and then a week later. Does it mean "my results" should be "everyones results" ...NOPE. Do I think being proactive with the herbs made a difference (huge difference) in my recovery and healing? Absolutely. I'm 4 rounds into plastic surgery and the healing from my neck lift was night and day to the rest. I don't understand WHY you're so beat up. What is the doctors reasoning behind it? I mean c'mon, bruises on your NECK? Your shoulders, your breasts?????? What happened - maybe I missed a post about it, but it seems to me that he was brutally ROUGH with you. Another thing? If you're still in pain then DEMAND that he write you a script for more pain pills. This doctor works for YOU, not the other way around. You have rights and healing minus discomfort, pain and excessive bruising all fall in that category. Good luck to you - Lei
on 11/27/06 10:44 pm - virginia beach, VA
Oh lei, im in such a state right now im just bawling,I had a vessle bleed and they took me back in or and opened me to stop the bleed, I have more lumps this morning and it feels like I have stone in my cheeks now he said this is normal, but why is it get harder and the one on my neck is bigger today, I did the arnica montana, they gave it to me pre op, he doesnt believe im in pain and I just want the pills, he said im probably having a panic attack because I told him I used to have them and take medication and have been fine for years!!!!! What nerve. If this doesnt go away what the hell am I gonna do?? I never heard him say I could have hard spots like this, ive never seen anything as bad as this after a lower lift, he did lip under my chin, maybe it traveled to my breasts because of that I dont know. I know its just been a week and I gotta give it more time but if this lump on my neck gets bigger im callin his office again. I pray it all goes away. Thanks, shelly
(deactivated member)
on 11/28/06 6:35 am - Grass.Shack.by.da'Beach, VA
Shelly? ...can you call your PCP and get him/her to call in a script for pain? If not, can your husband run to the store and get a temporary relief for you? I hear the new Tylenol "super" strength is as strong as some "required scripts" meds used to be. That might be a good back up, for now? I saw it the other day at SAM's, so if you don't have a membership there, I'd bet their sister company, Walmart, has it? Also - I know it's tough right now, because you're in pain, but you have to get a tad bit more assertive with that surgeon. Haven't a clue who you used, but just based on your photos and what you've shared with us, I'd avoid him. Yes, not exactly what you want to hear while you're going through it all, but I suspect you're going to have to stay on top of him. Probably not a fair conclusion based on such little information (on my part) but it concerns me that his actions imply that he's already in the "I'm done with her" mode, which should be the farthest thing from the truth based on your recent photos. Not trying to scare you here, just want you to be aware and maybe do some web searching online. The hard spots you describe are completely foreign to me. The first thing I thought of was "scar tissue" but good grief, you're still raw from the new cuts, it can't have gone into scar mode that fast/hard already ... um, could it? Most of that is based on generic logic, so I could be completely off, but I doubt the hard lumps are scar tissue related...what does the DOCTOR say? Even swelling (which I had a lot of) was more of a poofy, not a hard feeling to the touch. Hey? Take pictures, lots and lots and LOTS of pictures. Hopefully you have more stored on your camera or hard drive. Documentaiton is a good thing, for a variety of reasons. One more thing, then I need to run - meeting friends for dinner - not only should your doctor be willingly refilling at least "one" pain pill refill (I do believe the refill process CAN be abused, but c'mon, one refill??!?!?!?!?!) ...but there is a second round of MAJOR discomfort that comes with ANY surgery. Surely he knows that. When the nerve endings wake up, so does sparks of fire. The levels of discomfort truly is unique to the person and the area that was cut. Of the 5 surgeries Ive had over 4 years, two of them brought on major "nerve ending AWARENESS"!!! lol, Im trying to use the right words here so this doesnt overly worry you, just prepares you for what might happen. The two surgeries that really set my nerve endings on edge as they woke up was the breast surgery (actually sat here several nights in a row, 2 weeks AFTER my surgery, and cried as they sparked back to life. ...and the other surgery was the neck lift. Not sure if you remember, but I also had an eye lid lift done at the same time. The scars/nerves on the eyes did not bother me (at all), neither did the scar and lip UNDER my *****at all) ...but the scars/nerve endings around the back of my ears? Uh. Well, I felt them. Not nearly as painful as the breasts were, but enough aggra that I popped a pain pill or two. Be prepared. Try calling your SURGEON again, technically, HE's the one that should be making this RIGHT! More times than not you don't even have to talk to him, have his head nurse handle it, if possible. While you have them on the phone? See if you can get some water pills to help with the swelling. Get some of the herbs (B and A) at GNC and start taking them, ASAP. I wonder why your doctor only gave you the A's pre surgery? At the very least, it would have been nice if he'd told you that buying your own and continuing would be a good option. Okay - no time to proof this, I really need to run. Hope most of it makes sense. Hang in there ...the end results will be worth it, but in the meantime, try to document the journey, not only will others benefit from your story and photos ...you never know when you might need the backup/papertrail. - Lei
(deactivated member)
on 11/28/06 6:43 am - Grass.Shack.by.da'Beach, VA
Um, I wanted to correct this part, since "lip" makes no freakn sense. I typed...."neither did the scar and lip UNDER my *****at all)" ...and lip should have been the word "LIPO", which they did under my chin. One more thing - I shared a lot of opinions in that last post. ... a whole lot, now that I skim it. Keep in mind, that's how I would handle things, that'S what works for ME - take it all with the spirit it's intended, and do a lotta research, there's no MD after my name, unless it stands for 'mildly dingy'? lol Feel better, soon!
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