Added photos to profile
I just figured out how to add my pictures to my profile. Now, if I could only figure out how to transfer my blog. Does any one want to volunteer to help me????
I Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. My littlest one (8yrs old) broke his wrist while hiking, but other than that, it was wonderful. Praise to God!
Cathy ,
What you will want to do is open a note pad or a blank worksheet . Copy and paste your entire journal to that .Once you have it copied there ..remove any HTML codes . Then you will open up your blog and paste it into that . But the key here is to remember to take out any HTML . It will not paste . If you still have trouble let me know . I can do it for you . I will need your pass word and your sign on to OH .
It is fairly easy .. but if you run into trouble .. let me know .. I will be glad to help .
Hi Betsy,
I have been doing great, busy, but great. I am always lurking around the Va boards, but I usually dont have much to say. I keep up on all of the things going on with all of you guys. I cant believe how it feels to be a "normal" size! It is incredible! I hope to see you again soon..... Hugs Cathy