Not For the Squimish .. Beware
Ok. Like everything I have done in my journey , I too have posted pics of my nasty tumor . NIH gladly sent these to me via email . While they are pretty narly to look at , they tell my story ... and there is one in there of me 15 pounds heavier the day after surgery .. I am back to normal .. Thank God and Potasium Pills ... ( My POT was low too after surgery ..
So if you are not grossed out by pics like this .. go to my profile .. and they are under My Tumor .
Thank God And NIH it is gone .. I am still waiting on the pathology results, but the doc says he does not see anything screamin mad about the tumor ..
I agree with Kathy - Eeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! I am so glad you are back on the board. Missed you bunches. Jon went to church today with us and got up in front of the whole congregation and thanked God for allowing to have wls. I was amazed...he has changed soooo much in the seven years since I first met him.
God is so good!
Glad you are back home!
Jill & Jon

Hey, Sweetie....I cheated and saw them ole nasty pics this am before church and I said a special prayer in church for a good result in the tests....You my "tink" and gonna be fine cause an angel is sprinklin' fairy dust on you, babe...hehe..If you need me call and I can be there in about 4 hours. I miss my phone calls every day....get that ole energy back..we need to talk, girlfriend...Love ya lots...Huggles, Betsy