Question 'bout my Vitamin B-12

on 11/22/06 5:53 am - FPO, Japan
I was taking a sublingual vitamin b-complex, but it tastes horrid and I caught myself avoiding it. At the commissary I picked up a bottle of b-12 time release capsules (1000 mcg) and I have been taking those this week. They are relatively small and I have no problems swallowing or getting them in my pouch. My question is-- I am taking them with my food. I do not drink for about a half hour or 45 minutes after eating and I know my doctor told me that we absorb our vitamins & protein through the entire digestive process. I am just wondering if I am getting the full benefit of the pill or should keep trying out sublinguals until I can find one I can stand. I'm also looking for a b-complex to take. This probably sounds silly, but I thought Id ask here before bothering the swamped nutritioinst at the clinic. ;)
Kathy & Rich
on 11/22/06 6:03 am - Fairfax, VA
We do not absorb much B12 that is swallowed. Our stomachs lack the instrinsic factor needed to break it down for absorption... that is why we need to take a sublingual or IM (intramuscular) injection. The Rexall sublinguals at Walmart.... are small and dissolve very quickly. I do not mind them at all. Trader Joes also has a good one. The ones at The Vitamin Shoppe (their own brand) are very slow dissolving so I do not like those ones at all. Also, as a side note... our bodies operate quite questionably when it comes to things that are time released since things flow through our stomachs and intestines differently than as a non-op. It is best that we avoid time released meds and vitamins. As for B-complex... I was taking a B-100 from CVS and just cutting it up to get it down since it is so large. I have since switched to a B-100 capsule from The Vitamin Shoppe (their own brand). I take capsule multis and other things too. For better breakdown I like to take 'em with warm tea. Since the B vitamins are water soluable and not stored in the body... I opted for a B-100 rather than a B-50 since it is double the amount. Figured that it wasn't going to be toxic. There are some sublingual B-complexes but beware... some of them have no thiamine (B1) in them. Do not understand how it is a B complex without B1 but that's how they label it. B1 is really really important. A B1 deficiency (beri beri) can lead to strokes, heart attacks, malnutrition - I know a few gals that have been down that road so I like to stress it. Kathy
on 11/24/06 12:33 am - In the middle of the woods, VA
The sublingial B-12 tablets at GNC are really good - they taste like cherry! I enjoy them! Crystal
on 11/26/06 2:25 pm - FPO, Japan
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I picked up the 120 capsule box today and took one. They are exactly what I was hoping to find- pleasant taste and dissolves rather well. I had debated asking for two whole weeks! Wish I had asked sooner!
Amber B.
on 11/25/06 12:36 am - Virginia Beach, VA
I take the Walmart one under the tongue and I got one from Vitacost, they both are very tolerable. As far as I know, we can't swallow them, we won't asborb any of it. "Normies" don't digest B-12 by swallowing either. It has to be sublingual. That's just what I was told. Hope you find something soon! Amber
on 11/25/06 3:31 pm - Virginia Beach, VA
I have been taking the B-complex pill. Shame on me. The SL would not disolve under my tongue and were staining my teeth. Wow...I am going to hate getting my labs back and being too low. Guess I better get with the vitamin program here !!! How have ya been doing? Hugs, Dana
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