Overscheduling after surgery

on 11/21/06 10:57 am - Richmond, VA
Hi everyone. I am having surgery on Dec. 19th (open RNY, removing gall bladder too), hope to home by the 22nd. I have a husband and 4 teenagers, but no other relatives close by. I plan to have all the shopping done, everything wrapped before surgery. I would like to attend church services on Christmas Eve. I am always the one to cook Christmas Eve dinner and the Christmas day meal, but will plan some simple things for this year, that the hubby and kids can help with. Two days after Christmas my sister and her two sons, ages 4 and 7, are planning to come visit for 5 days ( they live over 800 miles away, only see then once a year). I plan to return to work 3 weeks after surgery. Oh, yeah, with the kids home from school there will be lots of "activity" in the house. Question: Am I over scheduling? Will I feel like doing all this? I don't want to get off to a bad start. I also don't want to be the "Grinch the Stole Christmas" Thanks for you experience and advice. Kim
on 11/21/06 1:03 pm - Rockbridge Co., VA
No easy answer there. Each one of us reacts differently. I recuperated very quickly, was back to work in three weeks, but found myself needing a nap many days. I did no entertaining. I used the time recuperating to focus on me and my new life. I don't ever enjoy entertaining, so that would have been inconceivable for me. You might need some down time, or bounce back more quickly than I. I'm sure you have noticed how differently we react to surgery. So this is a hard call. I do think you should err on the side of caution, and make sure you can take care of YOU. This is your time to get accustomed to the new you. But you know yourself better than any of us do. Just make sure you tell everyone that you might need to excuse yourself for some down time some days. You have enough immediate family to help out. Good luck on your journey! Lois
beth sharp
on 11/21/06 8:50 pm
hi Kim, I did not have a open I had a laprocscopic a week ago today and with thanksgiving tomorrow there is no way i could stand in that kitchen and look this whole thanksgiving meal for my husband and 3 kids so i went to the grocery store and ordered one of those thanksgiving meals it has everything i would cook maybe not with my touch but this year the family can deal with it.. : )) so you might want to try that. for your christmas eve meal or christmas meal cuz you cant eat anything anyways but fluids then. and I dont see why you couldnt go to church a few days after the surgery it might be alittle sore to walk but you will be sitting down and when you get home just rest.. if its to hard to walk that soon you might want to skip it... and for your sister coming if anything she can be a big help for you with the kids at home so that might actually help you... you wont be eating but she can feed them and help you. i wish you a happy thanksgiving Beth
beth sharp
on 11/21/06 8:51 pm
oye i cant spell anymore lol it wasnt look it was meant to say cook LOL
(deactivated member)
on 11/21/06 10:06 pm - Fairfax Station, VA
Hi Beth, just so you now -- I had surgery 14 months ago and I too ordered the Thanksgiving from Giant!! Such a loser I am (I mean like slug loser!!). But it's wonderful and oh so easy!! love donna
(deactivated member)
on 11/21/06 8:52 pm - Fairfax Station, VA
Hi Kim, I'm exhausted just reading your post!! But I am probably the most lazy one on this board!! I don't know, to me it sounds a little over ambitious. Do you have to do all that stuff? I just think that the first few weeks/months after surgery is such a 'me' time. Getting used to your new routine, what you can eat, what you can't eat, how you're feeling, all the stuff that is now going to be part of your life. If you were my daughter, I would tell you to slow down and take it easy this year, and know that next year you will be so much more active and energetic. As far as going back to work, I think your doctor can help you with that decision. Enjoy this time Kim, it's magical!! Good luck, love donna
Jane M.
on 11/22/06 2:43 am - Williamsburg, VA
I was a fast healer and was at a rock concert 10 days after surgery and I had my RNY open rather than LAP. I did get tired very easy, mainly because of the lack of food in my system, but overall I didn't have any pain or anything. A word of advice is to not make any concrete plans immediately after surgery. You will get tired very easily and standing around cooking is not gonna be any fun when you can't eat what your cooking. IT will depress the heck out of you. My advice is to see about buying some pre-cooked stuff from a local grocery store for the family and freeze some stuff you make ahead of time. Jane
Kathy & Rich
on 11/22/06 5:54 am - Fairfax, VA
Kim, I too feel your schedule is a bit overambitious as it stands. I had laproscopic surgery and was back at work in 11 days but... was tired mid-afternoon and I was sitting at a desk not cooking or entertaining. If you can cook food in advance and freeze things... that might help with Christmas eve and Christmas Day. Then have your hubby load things into the oven and such for ya. If that won't work... order prepared trays and meals if possible. We are getting Thanksgiving prepared by Wegmans. We pick it up hot tomorrow morning at 9 am. My hubby is working later in the day so there isn't time to fuss. We'll pick it up in the morning and take it over his folks house. Easy! Places like Wegmans (Giant, Safeway, etc) have party trays and prepared foods that will work for company without much fuss and muss. And, even Costco has trays of fruit, veggies and dip, shrimp w/ ****tail sauce, rolled up sandwiches, etc. It tastes good and it'll be less wear and tear on you. Good luck, Kathy
on 11/22/06 8:24 am - Richmond, VA
Thanks for the advice. As I am preparing for surgery I am attempting to do some soul-searching, and one pattern I repeat is the act of overextending myself. I stay so busy, busy, busy that I never have time to exercise and I eat mindlessly. It is time to stop that destructive pattern. The idea of buying prepared food makes me cringe, but in my head I know that will be the right thing to do. I need to stay away from all that food for the first few weeks while I am adjusting to my self. The advice to take it slow this year, knowing that I will be able to do so much more next year really makes sense. I love you guys! Thanks for helping me get my head on straight. Kim
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