
Naomi Z.
on 11/20/06 11:29 pm - Killeen, TX
Well I said when I felt a little better I would post about some of my experiences with this whole being on the "looser" side .For the most part it hasn't been a very friendly ride.Lets see..I'll start from getting to the hospital.We arrived and waited for over 45 mins,boy hubby was pissed said why didn't they just have us come in later.Got in the back and they made him and my son go to the surgical waiting area..ummm Im not having surgry for almost another hr and half.I was annoyed because at that point I was nervous and they took my support from me.Didn't take long for them to knock me out and I don't remember anything till later that night.Hubby said dr said everything went well,I was a canadiate for the "pig cell" thing so which was cool.they removed my gallbladder as well dr said that was a mess (I knew this was told to have it removed 2 yrs ago).Well the got me in da chair that night but not for long..I don't even remember walking any that night.Next am they did get me up I told the nurses that my legs did not feel right.Did two laps around the nurses station and then came back to use the bathroom..WELL..I fell.bruised up my leg and my ego and oh my stretched every muscle in my belly for the to help me back up.SO that put me on a burner for a bit on the walking.They removed the epi and put me on a pump.I stayed in ICU an extra day for precautions (I wish they just left me there upstairs was nasty).Long story here a little shorter they sent me home friday.Well I been in so much pain I haven't been able to do much of anything.Called Dr's office and got a call back yesterday saying they think my issues of "pain" is to do with lacotse intolerence.OH GREAT just another thing to add on here.I still am only able to walk a short distance and for that matter even have a conversation for a short time because I am always short winded.It's been a week out and now I feel I have to research on eating this lactose free thing now and continue to heal.I sit and cry most of the day.Dam Emotions.Anyways figured why I was up for the short that I am I would fill ya in on some.I hope to soon be a little more normal and all this pain leaves.Till Then Happy Thanksgiving.
Amber B.
on 11/21/06 12:08 am - Virginia Beach, VA
It will get better, I can promise you that. I was pretty miserable for the first 5-7 days from gas pain in my stomach. It got better in time and I have no regrets. I hope you're feeling a little better soon. Just breathe. Amber
(deactivated member)
on 11/21/06 12:47 am - Fredericksburg, VA
RNY on 02/22/06 with
Naomi, I am sorry you are suffering so much. Lactose intolerance is usually if you are drinking some kind of milk or dairy - if you are you should stop drinking this as many of us are lactose intolerant for a while after surgery. What is the "pg cell" thing? Sounds interesting. It is very bad that you fell and I am surprised they did not do more tests on you to make sure everything was alright. I am not sure you should feel winded one week out but some people take longer to recover than others. Usually if your legs feel funny they check to make sure you do not have any blood clots. If you still feel unwell I would persue it a bit further as one week out you should be starting to feel perkier. It is your body - keep pushing until you get answers that satisfy you! If it is any consolation, you do usually start to feel better around this time and onwards. Are you still on pain medication too? Also are you trying to use your breathing devise - as much as it hurts you do feel better from using it as it expands your lungs and helps get any anesthetic out of your system. Take care Jackie
Naomi Z.
on 11/21/06 1:44 am - Killeen, TX
The only milk type product I was doing was my instant carnation which now I was switched to boost yesterday to see if this is the issue.I feel nothing diffrent still alot of pian. The "Pig thing" ok let me see if I can explain it. They are doing a research on theis pig cell (to me looks like a piece of skin bandade).400 patients I believe they said.200 get it 200 don't.It's to help the healing of the incession faster and to be stronger so there are no tears. I was shocked as my husband was that they didn't do any testing to make sure I did no damage .You should have seen how they wanted to pick me up till I screamed and said no way.But even still it was a hard lift I felt it all in my belly.As far as blood clots that wasn't the issue..it was because I was having a bad reaction to the epiderial.They took that out and within a few hrs my legs felt normal. IM trying the breathing thing every hour not that I get far in it but I do it.I feel alot in my lungs as I explained this to the office they still think it's the lactose.So I will try there route.I go in friday for my post op and if it's no better ya bet they need to check other things. ohhh and the pain meds..I seem to only really need them at night that seems to be the worse time for me.
(deactivated member)
on 11/21/06 6:00 am - Fredericksburg, VA
RNY on 02/22/06 with
Hi Naomi, Instant carnation is a no no!! My surgeon said never to touch it - too many things that will upset the pouch - too much sugar as well as milk. So you will probably do well to stay off of it. I never did Boost either so I can't tell you if that is good or bad. Your best bet is to check the milk and sugar content of these drinks.... The pig thing sounds an interesting concept. I never had stitches - just tape so I never had any real issues. I never had an epidural in my back either so I never had any issues with my legs. I agree with you about the fall - they should have checked out that you did not damage anything....that is not good. Were they bariatric nurses or just normal nurses? Bariatric ones wshould have been gentler... You need to make sure you keep trying the breathing to clear your lungs - believe me you will feel so much better when they clear. You are trying to do everything right. Once you get a bit further out I promise you will feel better.... Jackie
beth sharp
on 11/21/06 7:25 am
hi naomi, I had my laproscopic bypass a day after you did, so we are surgery buddies haha. but seriously i had a hard time with that breathing thing in the hospital as well with one of my incisions on the left side it was alittle longer then the others and caused pain to breathe deep so i was breathing fast and in turn that made my heart rate go up to 105 to 107 just laying there. i could only get that blue thing up to 500 thats all i could go, they wanted me to get it up to 1250. and i guess becuz i couldnt breathe great i developed a cough now so that sucks. but with a few tries i can get it to 1250 now. sweetie i cried alot too, i cried cuz i was asking myself why i did this i brought this pain on myself i want to lose weight and i need too and this is for my health and i will love it one day but right now i didnt so i cried alot i bawled like a baby actually so your not alone on that okay. i know it will get better for both of us.. i dont take pain pills but at night also and i really dont need them truely i just use them to sleep easier. i stay propped up on the couch at night so i dont lay flat yet. and in a few days you will feel better also just like i will. each day gets better and i can walk better and today i actually made my family spagetti crazy i know but i did and muffins and boy did they smell good lol torture myself but one day i will be able to eat again lol but it will get better soon.... and all this will be behind us : )) take care okay...Beth
on 11/21/06 10:34 am - Kings Mountain, NC
Hey Naomi, I am so sorry to hear that you had such a terrible time. I promise that things will get better each and every day. The first couple of weeks are difficult to say the least but as time goes by and your body heals, you will learn what you can and can't eat. Once you see the difference in your clothes and start getting compliments from everyone around you, you will say it's so worth it!! I'm sorry I didn't get to the hospital to visit while you were there. I am involved in my church play and they have called a lot of practices at night. That has kept me from doing a lot of things I wanted to do. Our performance is Dec. 3rd so only a little over a week away. Once that's behind me and you feel up to company, I would love to drop by to see you. If you have any questions or concerns...please feel free to call me either at home or at work. Welcome to the losers side of town. Lots of Love Kathy
(deactivated member)
on 11/21/06 8:14 pm - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
Hey Naomi .. Congrats on your surgery .. and yea .. it is pretty rough the first couple weeks ... I too am lactose intol .. but I manage .. and you can too . It is a amazing the things we are not prepared for , but breeze right through when challenged . Just keep your positive attitude ... and you will get through this . Many hugs, Natalie
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