on 11/20/06 7:41 am - virginia beach, VA
Ok no more plastics for me, ive just been to hell!! So it seemed,got there at 8:30 not nervous at all, went night night and woke up, being watched by nurse for ???? How long, doc came in and said had to go back in and open me up to stop bleeding from incsion site, went back night night woke up not feeling bad, mainly my ears from the compression, im am swelled more then I ever imagined, my 17 month old didnt even want to come to me, I already have a black eye and another on its way. Ok I gotta go refuel on vicodin es, im not leaving the house forever. Go to my www at the bottom of this post, its the last album before and after plastics. I feel like im going to pop.
on 11/20/06 7:57 am - Rockbridge Co., VA
And I am whining about my incision that isn't healed--I take it back!! Godspeed in your recovery, Shelly! Lois
Lisa B (in SD)
on 11/20/06 8:08 am - San Diego, CA
oh you poor thing! i know it doesn't seem like it now, but the swelling WILL go down! take care and get some rest! Lisa B
Robin C.
on 11/20/06 9:35 am - Norfolk, VA
Shelly, I'm sorry you're feeling so bad. The swelling will go down, and you're gonna look great! Just follow your dcotor's orders, and you'll be fine. Take Care of yourself! Keep us updates with pictures as your swelling goes down, and the new, more beautiful you emerges. Hugs, Robin
Anna Bryant
on 11/20/06 9:36 am - Roanoke, VA
Awww Shelly you look so miserable hon. It will get better. Hey you have a son named Logan? I do too....lol. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Big (((hugs))) coming your way. I hope you get feeling better soon. Anna
on 11/20/06 12:44 pm - Virginia Beach, VA
Nahhhhhhh..I have seem swelling worse"er" than that..( hahaha..worse"er" was a very common description from patients telling how they felt in the ER) You are on the road to recovery and having the face that you want. ( But damn !! Your before shots looked great !!!) Just keep popping those Vicodin ES's like you are a movie star girl !! Cuz soon you are gonna look like one !!! Keep your eyes on the prizes..and off the mirror right now !! Love ya !!! and call me if ya need anything !! Dana
on 11/20/06 7:15 pm - virginia beach, VA
i just want to thank all of you for posting to me, i want to reply to all of you but my right eye is so blackened and almost shut and the tearing is awful, i can barely type, im gonna post todays pic later i tell when it on, but its ALOT worse today. thanks again ladies, but ill never get cut on again, hum, thats what i said after open rny. I MEAN IT THIS TIME DAMMINT!!! VICODIN TIME, YOU ALL ARE GREAT LADIES. HUGS
(deactivated member)
on 11/20/06 8:12 pm - Grass.Shack.by.da'Beach, VA
Hello Shelly, Has your doctor mentioned any of the natural herbal pills out there for swelling and bruising? Although my doc did NOT mention it to me, when I brought it up, he had NO problems with me taking them, if that's what I wanted to do. AFTER seeing my results (1 week after my necklift surgery) he now suggests this to his patients. It might help you with some of that swelling and bruising ... I say "might" cause Im not sure how important it is/was to start taking them BEFORE the surgery as well. My memory sucks, but I believe I started taking them a week into surgery and about 2 weeks AFTER. If you're interested they're called - Arnica and Bromelain. After seeing what MIRACLE workers they were, I wish Id used it on ALL my plastic surgeries. Especially the ARNICA since it does wonders with BRUISING. The Bromelain is a pineapple extract and is supposed to help with SWELLING. Here are the photos of my neck lift - the day of, two days later, one week later. http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b5cf35b3127cce9515fa68e01700000026108AcNWjdq5cNl I used Dr. Galumbeck (in VaBeach) and his after care was as impressive as his pre-care. It included 4 "oxygen hyper baric" treatments ...1 hour each session. 2 ultra sound muscle treatments for around the neck and chin area (after the stitches come out). Finally, after I was completely healed, a deep facial massage and cleansing treatment. All included in the costs and I think it played a huge part in my overall healing, swelling, bruising, etc. Im sure once the immediate pain, swelling and bruising fades, you'll be thrilled that you had this surgery - but BOY do I understand the "no more surgeries" comment. Lei
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