Back from Florida, with pictures!
G'morning Jackie,
We had an absolute BLAST - and I more then met my match in Lynda, she's just a powerhouse of energy. I can tell that my girlfriend does a LOTTA walking (on the golf courses) because she never needed to rest, she never got blisters, she never limped... all of which, I DID!
LOL, imagine my fragile pride when she was done running flippin' laps around me?
Glad you enjoyed the photos, I actually took about 140 pictures, so it was very difficult to narrow it down to the 40 I shared.
Hugs - Lei
WHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAA, don't I sound like a big baby! Don'tcha feel sorry for me? I wanna be in Florida in the Sunshine too! You girls just looked like you had way to much fun with out me.
Sure wish I could come out and play with ya this weekend. But I have the "Fam" all coming here for the next few days. Seems dinner was voted to be here. Yeah me!
Then, ya know where I am headed off to the next weekend. I know I know, Poor ME!
It's just been way too long since my last cruise, I must go again. And it's not to late for you and Wendy to come aboard. We need a instant replay. And I need to spin again on the dance floor with Rosario.
God, I miss you girls. Have a great Holiday.
Hello girlfriend!
Lynda and I had a fantastic time, the only downside? NOT ENOUGH TIME IN A DAY! Oh, not to mention that we truly did walk ourselves to the point of exhaustipation EVERY single day that our evenings were relatively early ones. There was one night that I got back to the room SO TIRED that I didn't even want to go out for dinner, much less eat anything. We'd done THREE parks at Disney that day, got back to the room around 8:00 and that's all she wrote, Lei was OUT! Wish I could sleep through more of my dinners, might be able to drop this extra 15 that I'm working on. Oh, as of the trip to Florida, it's only 12 more that I wanna lose, wooohoooo!
Sooooooooooooooooo, were your ears ringing last week??
They shoulda been. I brought you up SEVERAL times in conversation with Lynda. Couldn't say enough wonderful things about you, your spirit, your energy, your warmth. It's easy to do, since it's based on complete reality. Lynda is another "Cruise Junkie" (probably wrong term, but you get the gist) and I told her what a wonderful job YOU did in educating us on our October cruise. Memories for a life time and I love that you're a big part of them.
WISH we could join you on the upcoming cruise, have a FANTASTIC time and share the pictures when you get back.
Hugs - Lei