Back from Florida, with pictures!
[No response/replies needed, just wanted to share the photos with any that are interested in seeing them]
Hello friends,
I'm back from Florida after spending 5 fun filled action packed days with Lynda M. Not to mention, more walking then I ever thought was humanly possible. That lady has one speed and it's TURBO-mode, just ask my poor feet.
We musta' broken a record of some sort? 6 major Theme Parks in 3 days? Surely, just based on my age, that comes with some sorta' award? We traveled through Universal Studios, Island of Adventure, 3 of the Disney Parks: Animal Kingdom, Magic Kingdom and Epcot, and our final day was spent at Busch Gardens in Tampa.
We pretty much OWNED Busch Gardens, there were no lines... literally NONE. We walked on EVERY single ride we wanted, (some several times) and never had to wait. Sat in the front, the back, the middle, wherever the heck we wanted. My favorite ride there was the SheiKra ....a HUGE rollercoaster, that suspended you over it's highest point, over the edge, for about 5 seconds, then dropped you into the start of a very exhilarating ride. I rode that one FOUR times.
I'm SURE Lynda arranged a "private showing" of this park, just for ME, dontcha' think?
My girlfriend also created the BEST "Caramel Chocolate Martini" in our room. I had to try them several times, just to make sure it was "the best" and it was. Oh, and the 'Almond Joy Martini' we had at the "Blue Martini" was a very close second, yum. The ONLY downside to that place? We couldn't detach the 27 year old man that glued himself to our 'space' the rest of the night!! Amazingly enough, even telling him that he was my SON's age, did not deter him or slow him down.
Oh, and guess who we ran into at Universal??? It's a small world, that's for sure. We got to meet TEK!!!! Er, well, at least he looked just like TEK, surely there aren't 2 of 'em in the world, right? Here's the proof.
My hubby and I are MAJOR "Shrek" movie fans and yes, we own both. Don't even have any little ones to use as an excuse for ownership. There's a story behind "why" it's our favorite that I shared with Lynda, but I won't bore all of you with it.
If you're interested the complete photo album is here:
Lynda, I had a WONDERFUL time with you, girlfriend. Our final night and dinner with your son was a wonderful way to end a fantastic week. Hey, guess what? True to my word, I did NOT weigh in till this morning and "we" worked/walked 3 pounds OFF my backside!!!!! Of course, the 5 hours and 42 Hefty bags of leaves later that I raked just from the FRONT yard yesterday, mighta helped. [I'm too old for this ****! ...and will be taking a match to the back yard]
Hope the photo links work, if not, I'll be back to edit this thread.

Hello Betsy!!!!!, talk about feeling like I'd just been "caught", I was looking at the new pictures on your profile as your message came over, almost felt like a peepin' Tom, female version of course.
Loved your pictures from the beach - I bet you had a blast at the House of Blues, Ive been to the one in Vegas and get LOST in bluesy-soul-rock, love it.
hehehehe - soooooooooooooooooooo about that jacuzzi tub?!?
...lookin' good!
Psssst... JANE M is planning a get together next weekend at Joe's Crab Shack, then maybe some dancing upstairs (kinda like our last group gathering there) and Jim should consider a road trip?

I "think" we need to plan the upstairs portion of the evening. Jane, as well as a few others, are bringing their children so they won't be up for going upstairs to dance off the feast....oops...meager portions that we WLS patients eat
But....John and I are up for a night out on the town.
Let me know.

Hello Jill,
Consider the
You, John, Wendy and I, for now (and any others that are interested) - dinner then dancing afterwards at "Have a Nice Day Cafe"... with one stop parking!! Hey, a party can start with "4" and build from there, right? It'll be nice to get a lil exercise (disguised as dancing) in - I'm on a movement roll and wanna keep up the momentum.
Im hoping Jane WILL join us, I know that her mom and son will be there for dinner, but maybe a quick trip back to the house to get them settled in with some movies and popcorn and she can bounce back over to the club. Or at least that's what I hope to talk her into doing!
...sounds like a great plan to me, how about you?

I MISSED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so glad you are back baby!!!! Looks like you 2 had a wonderful time..............WISH I WAS THERE TOO!!!!!! NOW, STAY PUT!!!!!! You are gone wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much and it's hard to not have you around!!!!!! I promise to email you soon and fill you in on all the Fredneck goings on!!! Luv ya baby!!!!!

G'morning gorgeous,
LOLOL - your ENERGY always comes through loud and clear in your text. Always leaves a big smile on my face.
Hey gorgeous, miss your silly self TOO! Was just talking to Donna Mae (on the grads board) and told her that Wendy and I need to make a trip up North to visit YOU in Fredneckville (love that term) and combine that trip with one up to see Donna too! Of course, at this rate, we still need to get past the HOLIDAYS, any possible bad weather, and the January conference. Or better yet, we don't get past any of it and just squeeze our trip out there in between it all?
Oh, and the "being gone all the time" serves it's purpose, keeps me from feeling so ALONE, minus my hubby. God, I love that man of mine and I hate hate hate when he's gone - of course the "Holidays" just intensifies how much I truly miss him.
With a little bit of luck, I'll be flying out to see him at the end of December - send some positive vibes our way, will you?
Love ya - Lei

Looks like you had a great time. Lynda seems so cool!
I would love take Dylan to Universal, but it's too soon since Joe died. It's gonna take alot for me to go back to the sunshine state. I don't hink I could do Disney again though. Affectionately known in my house as the home of Mickey Louse.
Thanks for your email. I doing the best I can right now to get through the day without crying. I'm not a crybaby either. I'm just overwhelmed. Life just keeps kicking me in the Ass it seems. Mom starts chemo next week. So it's back to Chemo, then three days of sickness, then 2 weeks later, blood transfusions. Smae as before. Poor mom, it's just too much too handle again. Our toughness can only get us so far. The lymph nodes on her back are the size of baseballs. They grew super fast since August. Sucks.
I'm glad you and Wendy are coming on December 2nd. It should be fun. I don't think I'llbe dancing because I'll have Dylan with me. Bars and dance clubs are usuallly not kid friendly. I am thinking about getting out this coming weekend though. Mom is going to be too sick to babysit in the coming months, it might be my only chance. Wait til you see the new "girls". I got knockers now. They are taking some getting used to and they still look kinda freaky but I got cleavage which is what I wanted.
G'morning Jane -
LOL - yah, Lynda's pretty cool (don't tell her I said that though) ....oh, just to show you how cool (and perceptive) she is? I think she called me a beeee'yatch 2 or 3 times before we even got to the HOTEL from the airport. Now knowing the sweet lil shy innocent girl that I am, you have GOT to understand my total and utter shock! LOL (shock is defined as PRIDE in this case).
Your feelings of being overwhelmed are VERY justified and understandable. Don't be afraid to tap into your emotions and show/feel them. Yes, it would be nice to keep it all in check and stay strong for your mom, but you're allowed to "fall apart" and please use MY shoulders to do that on, if and when you need to. You are NOT alone, sweet friend.
Hey? Where ya' wanna "get out to" this weekend? Any thoughts, plans, ideas? Wendy and I both want to join you, unfortunately, right now, I don't even know WHERE to suggest! Do you have any ideas about it? LOL, and NO, it's not just cause we wanna see the "new girls" ...we're due for another girlfriend weekend fix, complete with a few hours of fun, hugs and laughter.
Let us know what your thoughts are for the weekend, also what day, Friday or Saturday?, and NO, you don't have much choice when it comes to us "crashing your space" ...but you luvz' that about us, right?
Love - Lei
Psssst... a few of us are going to the Christmas Festival (arts and crafts) at the convention center in VaBeach, Saturday morning/afternoon if you want to join us?
I'm up to going out on Saturday. But to be honest, I 'm not really sure where to go either. I guess I need to give the girls a "Test run". See how many guys stare at them rather than my face! Let's see if I got my money's worth. They still look wonky but look decent in a bra. I do needa revision to the top of my tummy. I kinda expected it, I'll show you when I see you. He couldn't pull me tight there because of blood supply problems. I'll get fixed when I get the Thighs/buttocks done.
I'll talk to mom and see if I can get a babysitter for Saturday. She starts chemo next week, so this is my opportunity to get out while I can! I'm up for anything as long a it's not Country music or line dancing. Blech!