Medical Alert Items
Has anyone ordered any kind of medical alert braclet or other items?
If you have, can you send me the info on it?
I have looked around the internet and I cannot find what I am looking for.
Some of you know that last month my dad wa**** by a large SUV while he was taking his normal evening walk. Luckily, he was not knocked un-concious. However, if he had been, the paramedics would not have known that he is an insulin dependent diabetic with a pacemaker.
I would like to be able to find a watch that has the symbol for a diabetic alert in the middle of it. We got him one of those braclets from the drug store, but he just doesn't like to wear it. He says it gets in his way at the gym and it makes to much noise when he is dancing.
Short of making him get "Hi, I am an insulin dependent diabetic with a pacemaker" tattooed on his forehead, I need something to speak for him in case some other SUV driver runs him over.
He has a card in his wallet that lists his medicine and information.
If anyone has any information on a company that sells NICE looking medical alert jewerly, please let me know.
Christmas is coming. This would be a great gift for my dad.
Hi there Leland-
I'm going to be monitoring the responses to your post...I too would like to get one for myself. I've looked into Lauren's Hope (, but haven't decided that it's the one for me yet.
Best to you,
Christina S

Hey there. Here is a link. I gather that this is supposed to be the #1 recommended site to order from.
Good Luck
I ordered mine from - they not only sell bracelets but also keep all of your information and hospitals do use them. I have a gold bracelet and had it from when I was diabetic - after I had surgery and was no longer diabetic I sent it back to them for free re-engraving which they will do with the gold ones. I now have "Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass, Do not blindly place N/G tube, No NSAIDs" on it. Plus my medical ID number where they can get all my doctors/surgeons information. I figure if I am in a bad accident I do not want them unaware of my conditions.