OYE sooo nervous
Ok ok someone snap me out of this mood i have a nervous lump in my gut lol tomorrow is my big day. I leave for potomac hospital at 8am. and my surgery is at 11am. I woke up at 3 am and couldnt go back to sleep. Ive been cleaning my house like crazy trying to stay busy so i dont think about it.. its not working lol my parents are calling me saying... well tomorrow is the day.. i had to tell my mom i will call you back and i havent yet LOL oye.... anyways my husband took off work tomorrow to go with me.. so if any of you happen to be in Potomac Hospital and your bored lol I'll be on the 3rd floor
Now seriously everyone... you all have been my rock when ive been nervous or I had dozens of questions you all have answered them. I thank each and every one of you for the support you give. This ride wouldnt be the same with out all of you.. so I THANK YOU.
Elizabeth Sharp (Beth)

Hey Beth!
It's ok...many people are nervous before the surgery...mainly because of the unknown. Think of it this way...it is a rebirthday for you! Time for celebration! You are saving your life...and have courage enough to go through with it! It is a lifestyle change...and it will not be easy...but you will look back on this and think...WOW...I did it....I really did it! I am so proud of you for making that decision for yourself and your family!
Can't wait to hear all about your coming WOW moments!

Hey Beth,
Not to worry and I know what you are thinking, "easy for her to say" but I too have been right where you are. All of us have that have been given this wonderful gift. I know you are nervous and that's normal but just know you are doing this for your health and to regain your life. It's the best thing I ever did for me and I say that over and over again. 99% of the people here say that they would do it again in a heartbeat and I'm one of that 99%. There is nothing as good as feeling good, energetic and young again!!! You are going to be OKAY!! You are in my prayers and don't worry about not sleeping. You'll get plenty of that tomorrow. Let us know when you get home and feel up to posting about your experience. Love you and I'm saving you a place right here beside me on the loser's bench!!!
Lots of Love