Stephanie you have so much to do - no wonder you feel overwhelmed! But making a baby is a priority so try to stay stess free as much as you can...how long will your husband be home for? You may have plenty if time so you don't need to rush
Good luck with all of your plans - I am sorry we won't get the opportunity to meet you in January......

Hi Jackie!
Yes...I will have a lot on my plate. As for the baby thing...well...I was pregnant when he left, and that baby died when I was almost 3 months. So...we have had to go through that on opposite sides of the world. We have been looking forward to having another one, and I have been on fertility medicine to help. Hopefully, the timing will be right and we will have good news about that soon. The good news now is...he will not have to go back to see at least in the next few years. That will certainly help with my stress level, as he is good to me...and my other three kids...which are his stepchildren.