Attention January Conference Goers ..
Evening Everyone ! Hope this finds you all well .
As we go forward in the registration for the conference I need for anyone that has been taking group shots this year . Any type of pic where we as a group or any of us gathered . Could you send to me please . Send to [email protected]
These will be added to our Dynomite Video that David is putting together .
I appreciate your assistance on this .
Also, Like last year there will be a clothing exhange . We will have a designated area for you to bring them to at registration . I have a group of my volunteers that will be putting this together for you all to be able to go through and exchange . I will have the location noted at the time you register Friday Night or Saturday Am .
Take care .. and if you still need more info on the conference , Go to or
See ya in Jan ..
I would love to go to this meeting it will be my first after my surgery... can you give me where and when in jan.? I know I will already have tons of clothes to bring is that what you mean by the clothes exchange... ? I know it may be further away for me since I am in fredericksburg but i dont care i want to meet you all.
Beth , Go to for the details . Then if you are interested . Go to
To register . It is I guess a Great Big Meeting ... along with Bariatric Vendors .. speakers and group break out sessions .
Hope you can make it .
I live in Fredericksburg too but it is just under an hour away. We usually stay for the weekend as my husband likes to come with me too - but there are many, many people who come to these events and they are so much fun as well as educational.
You make some great contacts there and many friends for life.... it is a great way to meet people just like yourself.....