New Member
thanks for the welcome everyone :-)
i don't even have a surgeon yet-my dr. said that now they've changed it and you have to go to a seminar beforehand. i went to see dr. mcdermott last june or so and called them the other day; they don't perform any obesity surgeries anymore at vb surgery.
last yr i went to meet the surgeon, went to the psycologist, and chickened out. now i'm even heavier :-( so i need to get going. i spent all weekend looking and reading and imagining it.
i have to say all of these before & after pictures
the before ones look like the mothers and the afters look like the daughters!
i know they're the same person, but that's exactly what it looks like to me. :cool:
thank you dana
today we talked to our insurance person and i left let down and crying.
he said blah blah blah rider increased premiums blah blah blah
june renewal blah blah $$$$$$$$ and it just doesn't seem fair.
to get a rider and everyone's premium goes up cuz of me trying to
be healthy. :-( if my knees go out they'll pay for that
and my heart disease and everything else but i have to get a rider
to get the surgery allowed on our policy and everyone has to suffer $$$$
so now i'm down. i had to leave. hubby called and said he called the insurance
person back and he decided we'll renew in january and go for it.
has anyone else had similar experience?