Info on Fair Oaks support meeting?
It's a bit disapointing. I will miss seeing the same faces all in one place. It is so much closer for me to attend Loudoun Hosp. meetings but I can't imagine there will be enough people attending to make it worth there while. I hope I'm wrong though. I have learned so much through the support of others. I would hate to lose that.
I will miss you guys,
Oops, had the info wrong!!! The meetings alternate between Reston and Loudoun.
The Loudoun group will meet the SECOND
Tuesday evening every OTHER month. The Reston group will meet the
FIRST Thursday every other month. Here is what the flyer says:
Reston Hospital-Classroom C
7:00 - 9:00p.m. (7-8pm General Meeting, 8-9pm-One year out or more)
Dates: First Thursday every other month
Jan 4, March 1, May 3, July 5, Sept 6 and Nov 1, 2007
INOVA Loudoun Hospital - Conference Room A
7:00-9:00 p.m. (7-8 pm General Meeting, 8-9p.m. One year out or more)
Dates: Second Tuesday every other month:
Feb 13, April 10, June 12, August 14, & Oct 9th, 2007
The December Meeting is the Christmas party.
Meetings will be cancelled due to inclimate weather per Fairfax
County policies. Clothing exchanges will be held at all meetings.
Friends and Family welcome.
Hospital addresses and directions will be posted on the Staple Club
website: .
(Thanks for the info Karen!!)