long term post op
i am 4 years post op from 8-2002 , i am doing quiet well but would like to talk to others that are post op like i am. i am starting to slowly inch up weight even though my eating habits have been the same for the last 2 years, i would like to know of others that have encountered this and what was done to turn it around. also have some abdominal pain sometimes, not sure what it is , will talk it over with DR Clark next month when i have my yearly checkup.
just want to talk with other long-termers
Hello Greg,
Another long term post-op here, just shy of 4 years.
I so understand the concerns that come with watching the scales inch their way up. I had the same challenge, myself, last winter. With me, however, I know exactly what happened, I literally gave myself PERMISSION to have anything I wanted. It was last October, right before the holidays. ...and yes, I truly had a conversation with my other voices and literally said "okay, you can have that and that, oh and this, etc"
I finally woke up in April, from my carb/sugar induced coma and realized I'd gained 22 pounds. Eeeeeeeek! It's a shame dieting isn't as enjoyable as eating/gaining... I decided to kick myself in the a$$ (hard) and get back on track, over the summer months. I am happy to say that the 22 pounds that I bounced right back on to my midsection has LEFT THE BUILDING (body)!!!!
I posted to the OH GRAD's board a couple of months ago, spelling out the details of my action plan, including several links to websites that I found very helpful. Rather then bore you (and have to retype it all) I'm going to attach the link to my original post below.
CONGRATULATIONS on your weight loss and very successful journey - don't sweat the weight gain too much (although I understand). EVEN normal peeps (minus any surgery intervention) have difficulty with "maintenance and losing those last 10 poundss." My sister has NEVER been overweight a day in her life, ever, and for as long as I can remember, she's ALWAYS been trying to lose that "last ten".
So you see? We got what WE WANTED, we're NORMAL!!!!!!
Also, if you'd like to stop over on the grads board (for post ops at least a year or more out) here is the direct link. Trust me, there are many there, including myself, that UNDERSTAND where you're at.
Link to the GRADS Board:
One more link, and I'll stop data dumping on you. It looks like you're new to posting on the VaBoard, so you may not know about the Weight Loss Conference in Richmond, in January? That would be a GREAT way for you to meet many others, in various stages of their journey - to garner information, strength, shared experiences, etc. I highly recommend that you consider it, hope to see you there.
Details on the January conference:
Good luck to you - hope the links work and the information (although more then you probably wanted) helps.
[btw, David, one of the co-ordinators of the conference is also a LONG term post-op, he might be able to give you a guys perspective on it all?]