Aetna has denied me AGAIN!!!!!
Hi There,
Thank you so much for your support! I am sorry things are not going so well for you though. Believe me - I am not giving up. I am way too sick and tired of being fat and taking blood pressure medicine to give up this fight so easily. They have messed with the wrong girl!
I will get my way (I always have - why stop now!

I am so sorry your having a rough time, I remember you saying something about you having a test and it brought your height down a inch or two.. so it brought your bmi up to 40.... what if you could eat more and put on some more weight not alot but enough to bring your bmi up even more to 41? I hope the case isnt that you have to have this bmi for 5 yrs : (( but next time you get wieghed i would put stones in my pockets anything to add on weight. I wish you all the luck I know you really want this.. We want this for you as well... were in your corner...
Everyone is right Robin. Never ever give up. This is your life and your health they are talking about. I know that for me I didn't have to get approved but I did have to wait a year from when I was referred to the surgeon to when I got my first appointment and another 3 months from there to my surgery (which is soon thank God, lol). My wait was due to the fact that my husband is active duty and they will only let one surgeon do the surgery here with the specific insurance I have. Anyways what I wanted to say to you is this. Everything happens for a reason, EVERYTHING. My wait was hell on me, but it gave me time to prepare due things in my own time, like giving up chocolate and soda. And prepare myself is what I did. I am now so ready for this surgery that's it's not even funny, lol. Fight them like all mad and spend the time you are fighting preparing yourself for this wonderful tool. I have faith that you will get your surgery and it will be when you are supposed to have it. Smile it will all work out for the best, it always does!
Blessings to you,
Hi raven,
How did you do it -wait that long, I mean? I'm losing my mind and I just started this process in August! I'm so glad that you are almost finished waiting. I'm gonna be there too, eventually. Then we'll celebratefor me - for now I'm celebrating for you
! All of you guys have put a smile back on my face! Thanks for everything!

I'm not going to sugarcoat it, it was hell on me. But I knew up front that I would have to wait that long. So it was either wait that long and have the surgery done for almost free (the one upside to military ins, lol) or not wait and pay out of pocket expenses for around $1000. And Portsmouth naval hospital has an EXCELLENT program, which helped. At first I was going crazy but then I realized that everything happens in its own time and I just had a few things to accomplish before I had my surgery. I'll celebrate for you when you are where I am as well. Thank you for celebrating for me, I am so glad that I'm almost on the other side. This really was a journey for me, a good one though.
You're absolutely right - everything will happen when the time is right. There must be something in my path right now that I don't know about that is keeping me from having this surgery right now for some good reason. So it's a good thing (I guess) that I can't go forward until the time is right. You're also right about the journey - it has been a good one so far. If it weren't for this journey, I would never have "met" all of you good people and would not be able to look forward to really meeting you all in person one day. Thanks for helping me get my chin back up and my attitude right again! Have a great night!
Yeah, Christina! I'm glad to hear that!
Lola at my surgeon's office said she has never had this much trouble with AETNA. She said is was like this guy was bound and determined to be a jerk about this - sort of diggin' his heels in further the more my suregeon talked to him. The good news is that now with another appeal, I get to present all of my info to a different director. Hopefully he/she will be more sympathetic or at least see that they are not going to get rid of me so easily.
Thanks for your support,

Oh Robin, I am so sorry to hear that. I just want to back up what everyone else said. Don't give up and fight for your dreams. I can see by your progressive posts that you are back in the right frame of mind. I want to tell you a little story about a guy I met on here. He actually emailed me because of my insurance. As it turned out we both had BC/BS but mine is Federal. He wanted the lapband. He was scared to death of the other types of WLS. He called me one day and we chatted and he said I have been fighting to get the band for over a year. He was approved for RNY, but was scared of that. He said "you know Anna I just feel like giving up" I said oh don't do that...never give up...fight for what you want. He did another appeal and went before a board and the next email I got from him was "Holy &%@ Anna I got APPROVED"
So please Robin don't give up, just keep fighting, it's definitely do-able they just want you to jump through more hoops. I'm sending big prayers your way!!
Take care'll get there!!