My Adrenal Gland
Well , I heard from my doctor today that my adrenal gland can not be saved . I only have one left and I now will have to go on adrenal replacement therapy . Not exactly what I wanted but I will manage . I sort of went into a panic mode earlier but I have given it much thought and realized .. I beat Obestity with this surgery and my new way of eating .. I can manage this too ... Is very complicated though and going to be really trisome with my new relationship and trying to go back to work .
Everything I do from now on has to be looked at to guage my stress level . I had no clue that the adrenal gland was so popular .. Hmmm ...
I am trying to be as positive as I can , but will tell you I am scared . Alan had to go to classes today to learn how to manage my daily intake as well as how to respond to me in an emergency stress attack .
I can still have my plastic surgery next year , I just have to regulate my meds to accomidate for the stress that surgery puts on our bodies .
I now understand why I was feeling so tired all the time and so out of sorts . This replacement is supposed to bring me back to life .. I surely hope so ...
Thank you to all that have prayed for me .. and to all that have sent me cards and called .. I once again want to tell you how much it means to me .. I just cry each time I get one .. to know that you all do care . Thank you ! Thank you .. !
Love to you all ...
I am so sorry for your news about your adrenal gland not being able to be saved. I hope the replacement therapy works well for you. I know nothing about the adrenal gland or its functions, but I am sure that you are researching everything you can about it. You will conquer this just as you did your obesity. I'm so glad that you have Alan to help through all of this. Just reading what you have written about him tells me that he will be a rock for you and your biggest cheerleader. I am praying for you too! Take care of you and thanks for keeping us posted.
Honey, Like I told you on the phone earlier today, it really could be worse. I know that is not what you want to hear but we all have battles to face and you are such a strong ladie and I love you sooo much. You will beat this and have a wonderful life with your wonderful 'Alan. This is just another stepping stone and you will make it. We are all behind you sweetie. Just remember we are all here for you whenever you need us. Call me if there is anything I can do for you or Alan/
Hey Nat,
At this point, ya just gotta keep up with the knee-mail and know that God is listening. Often times we are pushed to what we think is our limit but then we realize just what we're made of don't we?'s a real bugger isn't it? You know how you keep a notebook with all the stuff you wanna learn bout surgery and others experiences and such??? Well, this is your chance to do not just yourself but others a helpful service but learning and sharing bout this part of your process in Life. Create a new notebook and keep saving it. It is like my passion with Alcohol and WLS and for that matter some other issues I've faced and privately. I have armed myself and others with knowledge. It's amazing what it does for us personally and what our support does for others publicly. Keep going one minute, one hour, one day at a time.
I will NEVER stop praying for you and everyone else I can think of (trust me I have a list SERIOUSLY). It is what I know and believe to work. It may not go the way I want it to but God has a way of opening doors otherwise closed and closing doors that otherwise would remain open. Think of all this as an ending with an amazing new beginning. Celebrate each day...for it's's beauty...take in a sunrise/sunse****ch the leaves spiral to the ground...get outside and take in a deep breath and realize you ARE alive, still fighting and have never seen anything more beautiful than the person within you screaming to get out. This is just another stop on this journey called Life.
Oh Nat I am so sorry! I know this is not what you wanted but you are good at bouncing back.... and very resilient - and I know you can rise to the challenge! They will not keep you down!
I am sorry I did not get back to calling you today but I will call you tomorrow ok......
Take care until then
Hey Sweet Natalie,
You know you're in my prayers, have been for a long time. God has seen you through so much and He will see you through this. Just another stone in your path of life. Rest assured that eventually we all will have those stones out of our way and the road will be smooth for travel without bumps.
You are so strong, so supportive and so loving. There are always reasons for what we go through. Perhaps someone is coming into your life who will need your expertise in this area, and God is preparing you to take on the challenge. Now, I know my Nat is always up to a good challenge.
I love you and if you need me for anything you know I'm here. Stay strong, Believe in miracles and never give up!!!
Lots of Love

Natalie, honey, you are such a strong woman, you have bounced back from many obstacles, this will be just like the others. I just know you will!! I will definitely have you in my prayers, Natalie.
Yes, I know you're scared, but you'll come through this fine. I am so thankful Alan is in your life!! I really have a good feeling about this Nat.

Well, you are not alone. Neither of my adrenal glands work. Addison's Disease I'm getting lap band surgery hopefully in Jan. Remember, with your meds to double up when you are sick, really stressed and you will be just fine. Be sure to have your doctor and anethesiologist be aware of your adrenal problem. When I have surgery I have to have 100 mg solu-cortef before, during and right after surgery. You may not need as much since you have one working. Best of luck to you! Don't be afraid either, just live your life and take your meds and you will do great.