Hi all
Just a little update, as of today I passed my test out at school and the end of this mod is on November 15. So starting on the 16th I start my externship at Glenside Medical and will finish that on the 21 of December. Plus I graduated in October by walking across the stage and everything will be offical on December 21. I can not put the letters AAS on the backside of my name now that I have a degree.
Now I would like to ask for a few prayers sent my way as I go tomorrow morning and Friday morning for a thryoid scan to see why my thryoid is so overactive. Maybe this will explain how I got down to 194 and back up to 230 and now 215. I give up but hopefully this will give us some answers. I will let you know how things turn out which will be sometime next week.
Eveyone keep up the good work and see ya soon.

Thank you MS Courtney, I am still trying to hang in there. Just got home from the test and work and not in a very good mood. The test today did show that I do have a overactive thyroid and I have to go back again tomorrow morning. Then my doctor will get with me about what they are going to do. They will tell me whether it will be medicance or ractioactive treatments. Fun Fun