Pre-OPs And Newly Post OPs ...
Great Morning to you all ... WOW .. what a journey ... what a life . I am writing to you today , as I see so many new faces and so many of you just having the surgery , or preparing to get the surgery . My hat is off to you for making the decision to save your life and fight Obesity .
I want to send to you my thoughts and maybe some things that will help you along your journey .
1. Vitamins ...
OMG is there is never enough said about taking your vitamins . It is the # 1 rule in my life and you should make it yours . Never forget to take them .. this is your life .. Vitamins are the key to a successful journey . And making sure that you are getting in the very life support you will need is crucial . If you are just now searching for a doctor or surgeon and he does not have a protocol or vitamin regime for you to follow .. I want you to run as fast as you can from this doctor .. Your doctor should have a plan for you post op to suppliment .. this is DO OR DIE ...
You may think , how will I remember to take them everyday .. Trust me .. it becomes like changing your underware .. you do it everyday ... or atleast I hope you do ... LOL .. your life matters and it becomes second nature to open that bottle or pill box to get them in ... if you have trouble remembering .. set your cell phone as a reminder or set an alarm in your house .. but never forget this most crucial part of your day .
2.Protein ...
The other Life Support suppliment . This is the other peave of mine .. Protein you MUST DO IT .. whether you are further out and can get it in from food or you have to suppliment with protein powders or drinks .. YOU GOTTA DO IT .. Does protein taste good .. to me .. Ughhh NO .. but I do it .. why .. because I signed up for it .. and my body must have it to survive .. Protein loss can cause muscle damage , Hair loss and worse case .. you can DIE ... If your doctor does not suggest protein for your diet .. again .. RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN .. to another surgeon .. as he must have a protein regimine for you ... most tell us to start out at 60 grams .. but you follow what your doc says .. There are proteins out there for everyone .. Liquid , Powder .. Nectar ect .... The best protein you will want to look for is Whey Protein Isolates in combonation with Whey protein Concentrates . This is a great protein that will complete the amino acid chain .. For more info on this subject .. email me ..
Protein .. Get ER done .. Ok .. your motabollism will thank you for it .. and so will the pounds that you shed by keeping to your scheduled amounts .
3. Water
Whether you get it by Chrystal Lite , a water fountain .. or jugs .. you gotta get it in . I want you to imagine your insides like a grape .. if you do not drink water .. your organs become like raisins .. they dry up and turn to each other for saturation . Water fuels your motabolism .. it helps to keep the pounds coming off . Water is a life fountain .. and your body craves it .. wants it .. and needs it .. You should get in atleast 70 oz a day .. and for optimum saturation and loss .. try to get in 90 .. it is easy to do .. sip sip sip .. Newly post op you will want to tend to water closer and forgo any dehydration .. but you can do i****ER .. is life juice !
4. Exercise
Yep .. you must move to loose .. Well you say .. I hate to exercise .. but to be a successful WLS patient .. this will be a habit that will assist you in reaching your goals . As we know the first 6 months you are pretty much home free .. you could sit back and do nothing .. and the weight will come off .. but imagine how toned you will be .. how much better you will feel when you do it .. Even if you are SuperObese you can exercise . Go out .. get you some resistance bands .. and sit and do arm lifts .. or stretches .. there is an exercise program out there for everyone .. Again .. Move to Loose .. let that be your motto .
So we covered the basics ... PROTEIN + WATER+ EXERCISE = WEIGHTLOSS .
If you are ever in doubt about anything , you are to always refer back to your surgeon or your nurse pract ..
Never put off doing today the things that you know will make you successfull .. Remember that you took a drastic measure to get your life back .. Get on board and take control .. and make it a successful journey .. Will you falter .. sure we are all human but it is how far you bounce back up that matters ... You loved yourself enough to go through this .. now get out there and show the world it is YOUR TIME .. and get back those years lost ..
I am very proud of all of you .. and hope that these words will help you .
Much love and respect ,
325 Begining Weight
125 Current Weight .
Height - 5.7.5
Clothing Size 3/4 - Presurgery - 26/28
thanks Tinkerbell for that
My surgery is Monday Nov 13 and I really have two questions that maybe you can answer or anyone can answer. Why do we take protein powders and drinks if they make you gain weight, I was just wondering because I saw lastnite they were talking about Nicole Richie and her trying to gain weight and so she drank a LOT of protein drinks so does it make you gain weight? another thing is some people tell me 1 calcuim citrate pill 3 times a day crushed but then on my sheets its says 2 pills 3x a day so which one is it? So I am sitting here trying to make a list of some stuff to buy for foods and such for next week do u have any suggestions for me? what other suggestions could you give me to bring with me to hospital or to buy for after surgery..
Protein is a muscle builder , muscle repair... and given that after your surgery , your ablity to digest enough protein will be gone . That is where malabsorbtion comes iin and why we must suppliment protein . Nicole Ritchie has gone overboard with her weightloss and is now loosing muscle .. so protein is going to help her get back her muscle and help repair the damage she has done . Protein for you will aid in jump starting your motabolism and fuel your body .. Can you gain on protein .. Yes when you are further out post op .. @ 2 or 3 years you will need to scale back your protein some ... but keep in mind too that the more you exercise the more protein your body will need . I have an awesome article for you . If you will email me at [email protected] I will send it to you . It also has other items such as vitamins and minerals and really explains why you do these things post op .
As to your calcuium citrate .. do what your doctor gives you . I for one do 2000 mg a day .. but I get it in by liquid calcium .. I got this at Sams Club and do it 2 x a day .
As to foods , your nut or your doc will give you a list . Keep in mind most new post ops are on liquids .. broth , sf popcicles , jello etc .. I would call your doc to see about getting a list ...
As to hospital things to take .. Take you .. LOL .. there will not be a lot of time to read or have any rec time .. this will be a time to heal for you . I did not take any pj's with me as I was too sore to move and stayed in my hospital gowns . Take with you what may make you the most comforatble . I would suggest shoes that are comfy and easy to get on and off .. you may not be able to get on your Nikes right away ..
I would suggest to get your protein after surgery, our taste buds do change ... most docs send you home with skim milk and carnation instant breakfast mix .No sugar added that is .. Just follow the docs plan .. and once you are home , go out and try some of the protein drinks . You are more than welcome to go to my site and browse for suggestions .. if you have any questions you can always write me .
Send me your email addy and I will get that article out to you right away .
Best wishes sweety .. and God Bless ..
Hey Jessica, maybe I can help here too. We take protein because our bodies will malabsorb after surgery and we can't get all our protein from food any more. So we should take about 75g of protein a day - although after surgery it will be hard to get that much in - but every day you take a little more. It does not make us gain weight. It goes straight into our bodies to ensure we lose fat and not muscle mass as we lose weight.
Nicole Richie is a "normie" meaning she gets protein from food but needs to eat more protein in order to get healthy and be an acceptable weight again. So she is not malabsorbing but she has let her weight drop so much so she needs to eat MORE to get back up to a reasonable weight. She can't eat enough food on its own to get there so she is supplementing. She is also drin king then with milk (I read that) and drinking milkshakes etc because she wants to comsume more calories. If she does not use protein her weight gain back may be all fat and I am pretty sure she does not want that so she is building up muscle as well.
Calcium is vital to you post op but can be hard to swallow. May I suggest you go to chewable calcium citrate ( like Bariatric Advantage). I am 8 months out and still do chewables - they are like my candy treat lol! You can get cinnamon, mint or chocolate and they are pretty yummy - not unpleasant to eat. There are other chewable calcium lozenges on the market too - jus****ch out for their sugar content. You should be taking 1600g per day which is usually about 2 pills 4 times a day. You don't want to lose calcium from your bones because by the time you notice it, it is usally too late.
As for foodstuffs - it varies depending on your doctor and what they are doing at the time but you could try yogurt, applesauce, soups, pureed green beans, even chilli etc. You can eat a variety of food if you can puree it. And drink lots of water to keep your system flushed and help with constipation etc.!
For the hospital you need to make sure you take some reading material (I did but never read any lol!), your own pillows if you want, a pillow to help you with the coughing they want you to do and also to put on your stomach for your ride home, slippers because of the walking, toiletries because they want you to get up and shower etc, chapstick because your lips get dry, cream to stop your skin getting dry etc, phone numbers of people you may want to call if you get bored. You will be out of hospital before you know it.
You could use a magic bullet to help puree your food and protein shakes - I found mine invaluable the first few weeks! Make sure you have a small stack of vits and protein and foodstuff for when you get out of hospital because I am sure you will not feel like shopping when you first get home.
Be prepared that lying down or on your side will be uncomfortable for the first few days but every day you do get better and better. You need to walk as much as you can in hospital and also when you come home. Believe it or not, you heal much faster when you walk - it loosens up all your joints and prevents stiffness, gets the anesthetic out of your lungs and body faster and you feel like you are achieving something!
Good luck for Monday - if there is anything else I can help you with don't hesitate to ask!
I have been watching this board (okay lurking most of the time, lol) for over a year now. Waiting, trying to be patient for it to be my time. I had to wait a year because the only doctor my insurance would cover had a VERY long waiting list. Anyways, I have watched the posts closely most of the time, reading and rereading every important detail. I have seen you post about the importance of these things so many times that I now preach it in my sleep. My dad and I were just talking about the surgery a little while ago. He's impressed that I can tell him everything they are going to do to me and what I have to take after the surgery as far as vits and protein, etc. I told him you have to know and I feel sorry for those people who don't have a clue what they are getting themselves into. I felt that if you felt so strongly about it and you have done so very well then you knew what you were talking about. I just wanted to let you know that I have heard you and I will be following your advice to the letter. I have all my vitamins and my protein powder is on the way. I've started the vits already and will be doing one protein shake a day until my rebirthday (November 20!!!) at which point I will be upping them to 2-3 a day to make sure I get my 60+ grams in a day. Thank you so much for making sure everyone understands what this surgery means and what you have to do to be a success.
With love and respect,
Beginning weight 278
Current 260 (I can't wait for this to be oh so much lower, lol)
Raven !!! Excellent .. that is why I post the way I do .. this surgery is no freaking joke .. and it is so awesome to read this ... You willl do Awesome .. .your attitude is right where it needs to be ....
Proud of you sweety .. so very proud ..
Congrats on your day ... Just remember as I know you will ,
Big Hugs!
Tink ...
Who is grinning like no tommorow now !
Thank you so much to hear that from you....well I believe it, lol. I'm so ready for this, I've been preparing myself for a year making changes slowly so that I'm not rushed into them after surgery, because as you have said it is a lifesyle for life not another diet. I've cut out all of my soda completely and I had cut out all chocolate but this last week was soo stressful and I had some of the kids halloween candy but I cut that out after yesterday and told myself NO MORE!!!! So I stick with my chocolate calcium chews and I'm good with that, lol.
Blessings to you and may God watch over you during this difficult time for you,
Raven (who is also grinning like no tomorrow, LOL!)

Thanks so much for that.
I am pre-op hoping to become post op in the near future. I want to prepare my self for the new part of my life. So, I might be emailing, posting and maybe even asking for some phone numbers because I might have a lot of question for all the post op vetrans here on this board.
Natalie, I will never tire of these posts
I am so ready to live them. Won't be long now. I am ready..have all my vitamins and iron and calcium and lots of protein samples to try on my new pouch. I even got me a niffty pill crusher/holder and a water bottle holder my technical terms? hehe. Got those from Vitalady along with a ton of samples. I have been drinking a protein drink for breakfast and one for lunch and when I feel like snacking I get out my little baggy of fiberone. I have them measured out and in my desk at work. Then I eat a lean cuisine for dinner. I have also started a workout program at the Y and I walk a mile every day at lunch weather providing. I am determined to have this lap. I have lost 13lbs since September....sigh wasn't as easy as I thought it would be but I have about 5 more lbs to lose. I am weaning myself off of caffiene. I no longer drink soda and surgar is the devil. I am so excited to get started on my journey. Thank you for all the wonderful advice!!!