I'm home and Pamela Anderson Eat your heart out
ooh how i remember that.. thinking your boobs look weird but I promise they will stop looking like a torpedo soon and drop into nice girls, you have drains? you just had this done right how you getting around or walking? is it hard for you? I was bent over for awhile and wearing that binder feels ooooh so good... i didnt take it off for a few months. but you seem like your doing really good... gets better every day.
: - ) Beth
Right now they look like huge melons with puckered nipples. They reposistioned the nipple so it pointed out instead of down. I am walking bent over. Don't have a choice in that! I do have a binder but it makes me itch. I just ordered a stage 2 garment which is more like a bodysuit, it should be more comfy.
Hello sweet friend,
I just sent you a NOVEL in a private email, NOT via your profile [which is what I probably shoulda done?] .... let me know if AOL mucks up again and it never arrives on your side of the fiber optic lines.
Have a lotta running around to do today, but should be back at the 'puter later in the afternoon.
Hugs - Lei

yes the binder was itchy... i would have my husband pull it as tight as he can seemed the tigher it was the better it felt... and i wore one of his plain white t shirts under the binder so it didnt rub on my skin and that helped the itching.... ya you will be bent over for awhile with your muscles sewed tightly back together... it takes awhile. but oooooh how you will love it once you can stand up and wear some cute outfit and have a stomach not a gut anymore.... i need to have my belly button done again : (( the sutures let loose and i have a completely flat belly button.. it would be soooo nice if my surgeon next week when i have my bypass just cut and stitched it down but i doubt i can be so lucky LOL, just take it easy dont try to do so much i know you probably get bursts of energy and then once your up you realize holy i cant do this.... just take it easy... you are doing reallly good... im happy for you.. and your girls will be nice... their really high right now. how many cc's did they add... i was a small b very very tiny after 3 kids... they added 550cc each.. right now im a nice D but once i loose some weight i will have nice C's least i wont lose my boobs LOL since i had them done 2 yrs ago ... lol
let us know how your doing..
Hi Jane,
I'm doing the same thing in a couple of months (but having a reduction/lift on top)... so I'm interested in how things go for you.... I guess you're kinda like my guinea pig! LOL! I bet you didn't know that! My doc didn't want to do both at the same time, but I really wanted just one surgery (so to speak) and one recovery - and I hope they give me enough meds that I can be happy in my husband's "man chair"! Hang in there, and hopefully you will feel it is all worth it!