Woooot got my appointments all set up
Missy tried to set them up for the same day but was unable to. I told her not to worry about it. So I will have my sleep study on Nov19 or 20th and then I have my psych eval and nutruition consult on the 20th and then the rest of my appointments will be on Nov 21. Woooot feels like I'm getting somewhere now. I've started a workout program at the Y and am enjoying doing it 3 times a week and then I have been walking about a mile on my lunch break every day. May try to get in a class on Friday since I am off that day and Logan has school. Yipee things are finally moving along...I am truly blessed that I didn't have to wait a long time for my approval. Hopefully I will get a date when my appointments are done. I can't wait
I also went to group tonight and it was pretty good. Got to try Unjury. and bring some samples home. I also ordered calcium and iron today from Vitalady with some more samples
, I am really getting excited, can you tell?
Take care everyone.

Hi Anna,
You are really making progress! That's awesome! I am so happy
for you. That's so great that you are going to gym. I hear that if we work out before surgery if it will recovery much easier. So keep it up! How was the unjury? I haven't tried my sample yet.
You'll have your surgery date before you know it! I 'm cheerin' you on from down here in in Norfolk!

Thanks Robin
, yes I feel like it is starting to move and feel like I still have a chance at getting this done before the end of the year. Speaking of the gym, I went today and I tried the eliptical and I absolutely love it. I could only do 6 minutes but I'll get there, it really gave me a good workout. The unjury was okay, I only tried the unflavored in some orange crystal lite. It was okay but not the best I've had. I have samples of the vanilla and strawberry to try after surgery. I am all stocked up with my samples and vitamins.
Have you heard anything on approval yet? Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!!

I like the elliptical , too. Try a recumbant bike too - the seat is comfy and you really can get a terrific low impact work out on it too. I still need to get my vitamins - putting that off for some reason. Umm... maybe it's because I hate taking pills - I better get in the habit now though since I'll be taking them the rest of my life.
Nothing yet on the approval front. It's really bad - Lola at my surgeon's off ice knows my voice now from me calling so much to check on progress. I don't even have to say who I am when I call. LOL!
Keep up the good work! Your day will be here soon!