I have a ? about my pouch???
Hello all,
Since Halloween i have been having pains in my pouch or at least i think in my pouch.
(in the middle of my belly right below my ribs).
Hallowwen being the worst night of them.. i took gas ex thinking it was gas.. well it didnt help at all..
since that day it has been happening every time i eat or drink.. in the morning when i 1st eat for the day being the worst...
it happens with everything i eat...
i have called my Dr. and the nurse stated maybe it was a virus but told me to do puree
diet for a few days. well this didnt help either.. will be calling again on Monday..
oh and also i had diarrhea since halloween which has stopped as of yesterday..
i'm just a little nervous and thought i would post to see if anyone else has had this happen or has some thoughts on this..
Thank you,
Oh And by the way i had
no candy on halloween was to sick to have any

I haven't had the experience, but pain after eating and drinking can be symptoms of an ulcer.
Did you have any s/f candy that night? I ate too many the other night and woke up with terrible burning in the same place you describe, in the middle of the night. I have laid off the s/f candy since and have had no more symptoms.
I know you will check with the doc Monday, since you have tried the nurse's advice (
Have you tried an antacid like maalox?--Also, I read somewhere the best way to counteract stomach acid is water. Foods just make you produce more. Water really helped the other night when I had the burning.
Good luck, Miss Pink

Email Dr S directly from Uva's website, he gets back to you pretty fast.
[email protected]. He can answer you best.
Love and Hugs
HOly crap!! i had the same thing a week ago tomorrow. it was early in the am. the pains were in my lower back and where my ribs are. i was in so much pain that my husband almost called 911. but then it went away after about an hour. i talked to the nurse and she said if it had happens again to call the emergency line. crazy. and yeh ever since last week i can barley eat. i hope it's not anything.