long over due update on me
Hi everyone! Sorry I have been MIA for so long and unfortunately it looks like I will be that way for a while longer. I pop on when I can and read the posts and of course I think of you all and pray for you all daily. My only time on here seems to be on the weekends now a days. Sorry this is so long, but it is the only time I have to post so here goes:
Mark (my nephew) has finished his radiation treatments for his brain tumor. He is doing well. He has lost most of his hair which is very devestating for a 16 year old boy but seems to be dealing with it as best as he can. He is tired a lot and trying to keep up with his basketball. He made the team at his high school before he was diagnosed. All in all he is doing well and now we just wait and see. He goes in for an MRI in two to three months to see if the treatment worked.
My father has had his radiation implants to treat his cancer. They were done two weeks ago. He had some difficulties right after and was in a lot of pain but seems to be doing a lot better now. He also goes in for an MRI in about six weeks to see if this treatment is working for him.
Kara's biological father is now out of jail...he got out on Oct. 1st. So far he has not followed through on his threat to sue me for custody of Kara, but he has decided to drag me into court to ask the judge to lower his child support payments. Try and keep in mind that he does not pay ANYTHING at all and rarely has. His original order was for $65.00 a month and he did not even pay that. That date has been set for late January 2007.
Kara now how three "sisters", ages 5, almost two (on Nov. 22) and eight months old. The baby has fetal alcohol syndrome. These beautiful girls are my biological cousins and are now my foster children. Their mother was arrested for stealing Hospice patients pain medicine and their father (my uncle) is not able to care for them alone. He is disabled and can not work. He is about to lose his house because the girls mother stopped making the house payments 11 months ago and never told him. She also did not pay the property taxes for the last three or four years. Steve and I do not have the finances to help. We made the decision to take the girls because they are family and I could not bear the thought of having them split up and sent who knows where and with the baby having fetal alcohol syndrome I did not know what would happen to her. We have had them for about six weeks now and have tried to settle into a routine. Steve and I have both gotten second jobs in the evenings and on the weekends to try and make ends meet. Things are tighter than ever financially and I am really stressed about it. I have lost about 14 pounds in the last six weeks which may seem "normal" or great to some but am 18 months out and had been maintaining for several months. I have gotten in all of my vitamins every day but I am once again struggling with the protein and water. Water is better because I drink a lot at work but I can not afford the protein supplements right now. Everything I get has to come from food and I am never hungry. Plus, with being so stressed about finances what I do eat comes back up a lot of the time. I am scared that I am losing muscle from the lack of protein. Does anyone have any suggesstions?
At this time it does not look like I will be able to attend the Disco Ball. I am very sad about that, but I have to priortize things. I do not know where I am going to get the money to be Santa to four children so I can not justify spending the money on me to go to the expo. I know that I am in His hands and He will provide. He has never let me down and I know this time will not be the exception. I will miss you all and be thinking about you that weekend.
Sorry this is so long! I wanted to let you all know why I have not been on here in quite a while. I will be back on when I can.
If you have time, please drop me a line or two and let me know how you all are doing!
18 months post op

Hi Tammy,
I have been wondering about you. I certainly laud your and your husband's decision to keep the children together despite the increased load on you two. Just remember that you MUST take care of yourself to be able to care for anyone else!
I am there on the protein supplements, too. I am managing, but can't go buy them whenever I take a notion. If I miss the first week of the month--shame on me.
Good to hear about your nephew. I pray for his full recovery.
God bless you weary folks,
Hey Tammy!
Great to hear from you! Glad that your nephew is making progress. Hopefully, things will also work out for your Dad.
As for Kara's bio father...he is going to get creamed...esp if he was working before jail and did not pay. He has an obligation and will HAVE to pay...regardless. Been there...done that...
You are an awesome woman for taking those kids in. You will be rewarded for that someday. Well...you already will be with love...but you know what I mean.
Hang in there. Try to take care of yourself. It is so easy to put ourselves last when there are kids and husbands involved. But...if you don't take care of yourself...you won't be able to care for the kids. Nothing you don't already know...
Keep in touch, and I will be thinking of you...

I'm so happy to hear that you are hanging in there!!
I have been praying for you, your nephew, and the rest of your family...
I haven't been online much lately myself, just checking and the occasional post. Lauren's surgery is scheduled for 11/30 and we are focused on getting her ready etc.
Please call me if I can help with anything. (I mean it! I'm not just saying that to be nice!!) Have you registered the kids for the Santa program for children who's parents are incarcerated? It's a wonderful program which I have contributed to through my church for years. It will help ease the financial burdeon of providing "Santa presents" for the girls.
Love and kisses to you
-125/25 to goal
11 months post op