The Woman in the Mirror
Hi Christina, boy all the pictures I saw of the conference you looked radiant!! Beautiful costume.
I don't think I'll be at the meeting Monday only because I just can't sit in a sitting position for very long (and I'm sure they don't want my leg propped up on a chair!!) with my leg dangling. That still strains. But I'll be at the next one!!

I am glad you are starting to feel almost normal! I need to have surgery on my knee. I have a deformity. was put off because of other things health wise that are more important to care for first. It does not bother me much right now anyways.
I am doing really well. My husband is coming home from deployment in just a couple of weeks...and then we will be vacationing for a few weeks...and packing...getting ready for transfer. Lots to I will be in and out once he gets home.
Glad to hear you are on the mend, my friend!

Hiya! I went grocery shopping as well - I am looking for those Shiritaki tofu noodles to try but can't find any around my area darn it. Well I am glad that you are venturing out again - that is great! Anyway I wanted to rest after Giants but no luck lol! Too many demands on my time from my son!
So I decided not to cook tonight so we are all going out in a short while for something to eat..... Connor wants to go to Cracker Barrel because he loves to look around the shop there and see if I will buy him a car or not lol!
Hope your weekend is good! Chat with you soon!